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Jimmy’s Notes on Episode 61: Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers, ‘Green with Evil’ | Ft. Michael Hamilton

The Jimmy train keeps a-rollin’! Episode 61 (Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers – “Green with Evil”) was an interesting broadcast because, like Raymund Martin, I moonlighted as a substitute Ranger back in the ‘80s. It was for the Bio-Man team. I was blue. Here’s a picture of me in uniform:

All that to say, I have a bit of a frame of reference for the perks and perils of being a Ranger.

This episode was also interesting because we got a drunk call from Big Willy Three. He’s still reeling from the Kirk-fu chop I gave him last December. I’d say, “Poor guy,” but that would imply I cared.

Anyway, are my notes from that episode:

  • For once, Nate is clashing with Michael. Normally it’s me. But I’m not surprised given what I’ve heard on The Power Trip. 😛
  • I must agree with Michael about Nate’s “girly” hands. I’ve been trying to toughen them up with some Kirk-fu training, but I can only do so much. I may have to pass him off to Ozaki.
  • Michael, you’re resourceful. I knew you’d get to the Island. Plus, Uber-Moguera needed a tune-up. It is a mecha cobbled together using reverse-engineered future tech and alien tech. When it breaks down, it really beaks down.
  • Michael, I could put a good word in for you with Elon Musk if you want to patent the Rad Bug for Billy Cranston. I’m still a fan of Mr. Musk and have been trying to get in contact with him in case he wants an experienced NASA engineer as a consultant for SpaceX.
  • I keep a tally of how many times I say, “Damnit, Marchand!” in a day. My personal record is 97.
  • Don’t get me started on the coffee creamer! There was a band of office girls who trapped me in the breakroom until I refilled it. Hell hath no fury like a woman deprived of morning coffee. Sheesh! Just visit the Craterite Café like everyone else. I don’t care if the animatronic Putty Pandemonium band can’t carry a tune!
  • I can’t find any information on JDF’s parents, Ray and Janice, aside from seeing that Janice was an actress. Both have kept low profiles. All that to say, I can’t confirm or disprove that JDF was an army brat.
  • I’d rather have a loudmouthed space pirate queen than have my crush nearly murder me, Marchand!
  • “Little Nate.” As funny as that is, I’m not confirming it.
  • Michael needed to stop it because 1) family show, and 2) my dagger is bigger. Ha!
  • First, “Rutabaga” was the name of the planet, not the king. That cabbage-head’s name was Rooten-Toomen. Regardless, I met him once. Whatever you do, don’t eat his salads.
  • I couldn’t find a specific term for what Michael said about getting his best ideas while showering except for “Eureka moments.” It has to do with the brain having restricted sensory input, which allows it to process other things. You can read more about it on Insider.
  • I agree. Shutting up WHG3 was the best thing I’ve done on MIFV…except maybe when I outwitted the Board by calling in my friends at NASA so they could rescue us with the Gohten after Nate was shot into space.

As usual, here are Nate’s uncut notes:

One step closer to completing my New Year’s resolution to catch up on my blogs!

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