Nate tossed out an impromptu episode on Godzilla Minus One while the film is still popular, so now it’s time the Jimmy From NASA wrote a blog on it! It’s always fun having Mr. Hudgens on. I remind him daily that, while he kinda looks like Glen, I knew Glen. Jack’s Twit-X avatar is Nick Adams, but Nick Adams is my spirit animal. In other words, accept no substitutions! Anyway, let’s get into my notes on this episode.
- It’s always a red letter day when Nate admits he’s wrong. Now he needs to admit I’m right. (I’m always right…most of the time).
- C.S. Lewis originally wrote about “chronological snobbery” in Surprised by Joy, where he wrote, “Barfield never made me an Anthroposophist, but his counterattacks destroyed forever two elements in my own thought. In the first place he made short work of what I have called my ‘chronological snobbery,’ the uncritical acceptance of the intellectual climate common to our own age and the assumption that whatever has gone out of date is on that account discredited. You must find why it went out of date. Was it ever refuted (and if so by whom, where, and how conclusively) or did it merely die away as fashions do? If the latter, this tells us nothing about its truth or falsehood. From seeing this, one passes to the realization that our own age is also ‘a period,’ and certainly has, like all periods, its own characteristic illusions. They are likeliest to lurk in those widespread assumptions which are so ingrained in the age that no one dares to attack or feels it necessary to defend them.”
- Nate wishes he could see Minus One five times in a week. The Board is keeping him busy before his contract has to be renewed.
- How many Godzilla continuities are there?
- Showa
- Heisei
- Godzilla 1998
- Godzilla 2000
- Godzilla vs. Megaguirus
- The Kiryu Saga
- Final Wars
- MonsterVerse
- Shin Godzilla
- Godzilla Minus One
- …and various cartoons, comics, and other media!
- Here’s a Wikizilla article for more details: https://wikizilla.org/wiki/List_of_Godzilla_film_continuities.
- It was a 13mm gun, Nate, not a 15mm gun. (But I wrote the EID. Oops…).
- I can neither confirm nor deny I was the one who recorded that GMK bootleg Jack bought. I was desperate for money at the time.
- I want Yamazaki to direct Always Sunny in Philadelphia now. It might make it better. 😛
- The full title is Godzilla the Ride: Giant Monsters Ultimate Battle.
- “Singular pointing”™.
- Well, double Bullzord on you, Marchand!
- I have opinions about bad pilots…but I did crash my fighter into a mountain, so….
- I need issue 3 of Batman Meets Godzilla STAT, too!
- Neither of these bozos know how to pronounce names.
- “jee-ah” not “jaye-ah”
- “gin-zah” not “jin-zaa”
- “ki-tah-muhr-ah” not “ki-tah-meer-ah”
- It’s “Kikuchi” not “Kiguchi,” Nate. (Although, he did correct himself later).
- This was cut, but I realized I need to install mics in the green room. Both Reb and “ET” piped in a little, but they couldn’t be heard. We have an extra microphone that almost never gets used. I can install it in the green room.
- Nate’s jealous of my math skills. No wonder he was an English major.
- Speaking as an accidental kamikaze, that was a terrible joke, Nate.
- I hear Captain Gordon thought Jack was an imposter on the air. But Gordon was drinking, and he often thinks everyone is impersonating him while inebriated.
- Jessica might use her magic powers to turn Nate into a “Baka bomb.” She confirmed this to me personally.
- I confirmed the HMAS Australia was attacked five different times by kamikazes.
- The American ship attacked by 18 kamikazes whose name Nate couldn’t remember was the USS Laffey (DD-724). It was the worst kamikaze attack of the war.
- Jack said it was a fire extinguisher, not a hose.
- “The peanut gallery”? As in “ET”? I was checking the broadcast time, too. We went longer than I expected. However, “ET” equates quantity with quality, which isn’t always the case. We beat him there.
- Laundry bills aren’t covered by our guest services. Although, Gary got around that.
- Jack going Super Saiyan was the loudest I’ve ever heard anyone on this show—and I work with Nate Marchand!
Nate had a lot of notes for this episode, but he was disallowed by “ET” from taking notes on his phone during the film. Nate has decided he’s taking a pad of paper with him from now on. Although, he admits he wouldn’t have been able to take notes while being thrashed by the 4DX seats. Regardless, here are his notes:
Enjoy these while you can. Starting with the next episode, his leftover notes will be MIFV MAX exclusives on Patreon.
As Nate mentioned, season four, “The Monster Island World Tour,” begins in 2024, starting with Super Infra-Man (a perennial favorite of MST3K creator, Joel Hodgson), which will feature Godzilla Novelization Project creator Daniel DiManna. Then “Godzilla Redux” returns with Son of Godzilla, featuring Neil Riebe as a guest.
And so, season three finally comes to an end. We a lot to do…assuming our contracts are renewed. Thankfully, as Nate loves to say, we know a really good lawyer.
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- Follow me on Twitter: @NasaJimmy
- Follow (the now defeated) MIBOD on Twitter: @MonsterIslaBOD
- Follow Raymund Martin (The Monster Island Legal Team) on Twitter: @MIFV_LegalTeam
- Follow Crystal Lady Jessica on Twitter: @CrystalLadyJes1
- Follow Dr. Dourif on Twitter: @DrDorif