Hello, folks!
The podcast’s intrepid producer, Jimmy From NASA, here. With The Monster Island Film Vault launching next month and recordings underway, it dawned on me that Nate couldn’t share everything he researched about the films. I also learned in our first big recording session with the Tourists (i.e. Nate’s friends) that I couldn’t catch every incorrect fact they brought up. I’m a stickler for details. Like white on rice in a blizzard.
It turns out there’s a clause in the contract we signed that states I get to have a blog on the podcast website. So, after talking this over with Nate (for about 30 seconds), I decided that on the podcast’s off-weeks between episodes (they release the second and fourth Wednesdays of each month), I’ll write and post a blog with everything Nate and the Tourists left out and any corrections on what they said. And trust me, I’ve already got a long list on Nate. There’s a lot more snark coming his way. 😛
Plus, it gives me something to do when I’m not busy here on the Island. All work and no play makes Jimmy a dull boy. And I avoid having flashbacks to the War in Space—
Those horrible spinning egg ships….
I’m not crying. No, not at all.
Anyway, my first blog will be October 16, the week after Nate and the Tourists cover the 1933 classic King Kong.