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Tag: kaiju

MIFV Interview Series – Elijah Thomas

While Nathan catches up on his podcast production (watch for updates), join him as he launches yet another subseries by interviewing his friend and fellow podcaster, Elijah Thomas (Kaiju Conversation), who is also an aspiring filmmaker. They discuss Elijah’s new short film, Edo Kami no Gyakushu, which premiered at G-Fest XXIX. They’ll also discuss the perils and perks of indie filmmaking, especially in the kaiju/toku sphere.

Watch the original version here:

Check out Nathan’s spinoff podcasts, The Henshin Men, The Power Trip, and Henshin Power V3.

We’d like to give a shout-out to our MIFV MAX patrons Danny DiManna (author/creator of the Godzilla Novelization Project); Damon Noyes, The Cel Cast, TofuFury, Eric Anderson of Nerd Chapel, Ted Williams, Wynja the Ninja, Christopher Riner, The Indiscrite One, Eli Harris, Jake Hambrick, Matt Walsh (but not that Matt Walsh), Jonathan Courtright, Leon Campbell, and Michael Watson! Thanks for your support!

You, too, can join MIFV MAX on Patreon to get this and other perks starting at only $3 a month! (

Buy official MIFV merch on TeePublic! ( NEW MERCH NOW AVAILABLE!

This episode is approved by the Monster Island Board of Directors.

Podcast Social Media:

#JimmyFromNASALives       #MonsterIslandFilmVault    

© 2024 Moonlighting Ninjas Media

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Episode 95: “The Zillo Beast Saga” | Ft. The Cel Cast | Star Wars: The Clone Wars & The Bad Batch | Patreon

Hello, Kaiju Lovers! In our second Patreon pick of season 4, Nate is joined by Drew Dodgen of The Cel Cast (his co-host, Jacob, was too busy planning a wedding to come) to discuss kaiju in Star Wars! Specifically, the Zillo Beast, who appeared in two episodes of The Clone Wars  and three episodes (sorta) of its spin-off, The Bad Batch. This was an episode that grew since it was requested, going from two episodes of TV to five. Nate and Drew unpack all the kaiju tropes and homages throughout the “Zillo Beast Saga,” and Drew gives us a crash course in the history of Star Wars in animation. Meanwhile, MIFV’s intrepid producer, Jimmy From NASA, pops a few veins with all the prequel talk.

Jimmy’s Notes on this episode COMING SOON on the MIFV website!

Check out Nathan’s spinoff podcasts, The Henshin Men, The Power Trip, and Henshin Power V3.

We’d like to give a shout-out to our MIFV MAX patrons Danny DiManna (author/creator of the Godzilla Novelization Project); Damon Noyes, The Cel Cast, TofuFury, Eric Anderson of Nerd Chapel, Ted Williams, Wynja the Ninja, Christopher Riner, The Indiscrite One, Eli Harris, Jake Hambrick, Matt Walsh (but not that Matt Walsh), Jonathan Courtright, Leon Campbell, and Michael Watson! Thanks for your support!

You, too, can join MIFV MAX on Patreon to get this and other perks starting at only $3 a month! (

Buy official MIFV merch on TeePublic! ( NEW MERCH NOW AVAILABLE!

This episode is approved by the Monster Island Board of Directors.


  • Introduction: 0:00-12:09
  • The Clone Wars (background): 12:09-35:25
  • The Clone Wars – “The Zillo Beast”: 35:25-1:02:03
  • The Clone Wars – “The Zillo Beast Strikes Back”: 1:02:03-1:24:59
  • The Bad Batch – Background and “Metamorphosis”: 1:24:59-1:54:13
  • The Bad Batch – “Flash Strike” and “The Cavalry has Arrived”: 1:54:13-2:13:23
  • Toku Topic: A Brief History of Animated Star Wars: 2:13:23-2:33:46
  • Outro and Housekeeping: 2:33:46-2:54:57
  • Credits: 2:54:57-end

Podcast Social Media:

#JimmyFromNASALives       #MonsterIslandFilmVault    

© 2024 Moonlighting Ninjas Media

Bibliography/Further Reading:

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Episode 94 Epilogue: “The Hunting of the Snarky Nate” (Part 2)

No sooner is the broadcast finished does what seems like the entire North Korean military bombard Uber-Moguera in retaliation for Nate’s sarcasm. When that fails, they lure a very hungry Pulgasari to the airfield, and seeing the mecha as a huge piece of exotic metal food, he attacks. Unable to fight him off, Nate suggests one last desperate measure—that requires the metal minotaur to eat Kaguya!

Listen to Part 1:

Listen to the main episode:

Check out Nathan’s spinoff podcasts, The Henshin Men and The Power Trip. Henshin Power V3 coming July 10, 2024 (Ultraman Day)!

We’d like to give a shout-out to our MIFV MAX patrons Danny DiManna (author/creator of the Godzilla Novelization Project); Damon Noyes, The Cel Cast, TofuFury, Eric Anderson of Nerd Chapel, Ted Williams, Wynja the Ninja, Christopher Riner, The Indiscrite One, Eli Harris, Jake Hambrick, Matt Walsh (but not that Matt Walsh), Jonathan Courtright, Leon Campbell, and Michael Watson! Thanks for your support!

You, too, can join MIFV MAX on Patreon to get this and other perks starting at only $3 a month! (

Buy official MIFV merch on TeePublic! ( NEW MERCH NOW AVAILABLE!

This episode is approved by the Monster Island Board of Directors.

Podcast Social Media:

#JimmyFromNASALives       #MonsterIslandFilmVault

© 2024 Moonlighting Ninjas Media

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Monster Conversation Harryhausen Annual #3: ‘The Golden Voyage of Sinbad’

In Nate and Elijah’s epic triple birthday celebration with Ray Harryhausen (“Yours, Mine, and Ray’s”), they continue their annual crossover with The Golden Voyage of Sinbad (1973). While they’re going in reverse chronological order, they agree with this is a “step up” from Sinbad and the Eye of the Tiger, which they discussed last year. It helps that it has the incredible Tom Baker (of Doctor Who fame) as the villain and the eye candy that is Caroline Munro. The film also has a cameo by Robert Shaw (Quint from Jaws) in a Shakespearean role. Nate and Elijah discuss how the film reflects changing attitudes toward racial and gender equality in the early 1970s and the symbolic freedom of the sea. They even get into a couple of “Toku Topics,” like the literary origins of Sinbad the Sailor and a lawsuit this film was a part of.

Additional Music:

  • “Legends of Warcraft” by PSK
  • “The Dark Ages” by Phil Rey

Check out Nathan’s spinoff podcasts, The Henshin Men and The Power Trip. Henshin Power V3 coming July 10, 2024 (Ultraman Day)!

We’d like to give a shout-out to our MIFV MAX patrons Danny DiManna (author/creator of the Godzilla Novelization Project); Damon Noyes, The Cel Cast, TofuFury, Eric Anderson of Nerd Chapel, Ted Williams, Wynja the Ninja, Brad “Batman” Eddleman, Christopher Riner, The Indiscrite One, Eli Harris, Jake Hambrick, Matt Walsh (but not that Matt Walsh), Jonathan Courtright,  Robert Kidd, Leon Campbell, and Michael Watson! Thanks for your support!

You, too, can join MIFV MAX on Patreon to get this and other perks starting at only $3 a month! (

Buy official MIFV merch on TeePublic! ( NEW MERCH NOW AVAILABLE!

This episode is approved by the Monster Island Board of Directors.


  • Introduction: 0:00-7:25
  • Synopsis and Production History: 7:25-56:42
  • Toku Talk (Main Discussion): 56:42-2:29:15
  • Toku Topics: 2:29:15-2:59:33
  • Outro: 2:59:33-3:12:36
  • Credits: 3:12:36-end

Podcast Social Media:

#JimmyFromNASALives       #MonsterIslandFilmVault     #RayHarryhausen            #Sinbad           #GoldenVoyageofSinbad

© 2024 Moonlighting Ninjas Media

Bibliography/Further Reading:

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Jimmy’s Notes on Episode 94: ‘Pulgasari’ vs. Tomi Trembath

I’ve survived the infamous War in Space. I battled the Virasians alongside by best friend and Gamera. I’ve seen and done things you can only imagine. But none of it prepared me for North Korea. I questioned the wisdom of the Board for sending us there to do Episode 94 on Pulgasari, and now I’m almost certain they must’ve cut a deal with the “Dear Leader” to make us “disappear.” They knew well that Nate would open his Venus-sized mouth and cause an “international incident.” Sarcasm is his native language, and it’s @#$%-ing illegal in that country! I smell a conspiracy of gay frogs proportions! But maybe I’m just “salty,” as the kids say, because that bullheaded punk, Pulgasari, ate part of my robot and technically ate my fiancée—before he petrified, exploded, and reverted to a baby. It’s been a weird week. Anyway, here are my notes on the episode.

  • The Kims suck at Counterstrike. All they do is try to use rockets. They’ll intentionally avoid using any other weapons but those.
  • I have a memo from Tomi to hound Nate to read Kaijumax. I keep telling him it’s fodder for the podcast, but does he listen to his producer? Negative, Ghost Rider!
  • Russian dolls of oppression are nasty things! I went on a mission toward the tail end of the Cold War to take some out…oh, wait…that’s still classified. I can’t talk about it.
  • I’ll talk to Elijah about acquiring the rights for a “Tickle Me Pulgasari.” After his success with Titanic Creations’ Yongary figure, that should be easy for him.
  • I used to eat farming implements until Tomi Trembath told me to “stop it!” But hey, I had an iron deficiency.
  • I wish I could dive into water when I’m hot and bothered. But then I’d hardly see Kaguya—you know, the reason I’m hot and bothered.
  • You wanted a “Pulgasari freakout face” gif? Here’s your Pulgasari freakout gif. (Although, Nate insists there’s a better shot for it).
  • James Bond movies aren’t real?! WHAT?! I’m rethinking my entire life! Next you’ll tell me, I’m not real!
  • I worked for a different “agitation department.” All we did was pull pranks. We were “Punk’d” before Punk’d.
  • I found an entire article detailing North Korean wedding customs. It’s both funny and depressing. For one thing, you can be arrested for going on a honeymoon (yikes!), but this line reads like something out of The Babylon Bee: “When someone gets married and has a baby in North Korea, people often say that another gun or bomb has been born. Some parents have even named their babies ‘gun’ or ‘bomb.’ That is the power of brainwashing.”

We here at MIFV are still busy, even after escaping North Korea. Depending on timing, our next episode will either be a Patreon pick from The Cel Cast for some kaiju action in Star Wars…and I have mixed feelings about it. Nate is calling it, “The Zillo Beast Saga,” and it will involve a discussion of two episodes of The Clone Wars and three episodes (sorta) of The Bad Batch. Then Nate and his friend Elijah Thomas from Kaiju Conversation have their annual Harryhausen crossover, “Monster Conversation,” with The Golden Voyage of Sinbad. Next month, we move to Thailand (which is already safer than North Korea) to discuss The Lake and recapture its wild monster.

Until next time, remember…we shall overcome!

Social media:

#JimmyFromNASALives      #WeShallOvercome                #MonsterIslandFilmVault

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Episode 94: ‘Pulgasari’ vs. Tomi Trembath

Hello, Kaiju Lovers! Nate and Jimmy venture across the 38th parallel into North Korea to cover the most infamous kaiju film ever made and recapture its star monster: Pulgasari. Tomi Trembath of the Giant-Sized Violence podcast, who grew up with its strange American remake, The Adventures of Galgameth, joins Nate via video call (for obvious reasons) to discuss this “North Korean Godzilla,” which is surrounded by urban legends and even wilder true stories. It’s a pseudo-remake of a lost South Korean film and, arguably, the Daimajin trilogy–because it’s an ’80s movie that looks like a grungy ’60s movie. (Thanks, “Dear Leader”!) But it saved the life of its kidnapped director, Shin Sang-ok, and his actress wife, Choi Eun-hee, which is the subject of our Toku Topic.

Listen to this episode’s prologue:

Read Jimmy’s Notes on this episode on the MIFV website! (

Check out Nathan’s spinoff podcasts, The Henshin Men and The Power Trip. Henshin Power V3 coming July 10, 2024 (Ultraman Day)!

We’d like to give a shout-out to our MIFV MAX patrons Danny DiManna (author/creator of the Godzilla Novelization Project); Damon Noyes, The Cel Cast, TofuFury, Eric Anderson of Nerd Chapel, Ted Williams, Wynja the Ninja, Brad “Batman” Eddleman, Christopher Riner, The Indiscrite One, Eli Harris, Jake Hambrick, Matt Walsh (but not that Matt Walsh), Jonathan Courtright,  Robert Kidd, Leon Campbell, and Michael Watson! Thanks for your support!

You, too, can join MIFV MAX on Patreon to get this and other perks starting at only $3 a month! (

Buy official MIFV merch on TeePublic! ( NEW MERCH NOW AVAILABLE!

This episode is approved by the Monster Island Board of Directors.



  • Introduction: 0:00-6:45
  • Entertaining Info Dump: 6:45-14:57
  • Toku Talk: 14:57-1:14:50
  • Ad (Toku Toy Town): 1:14:50-1:16:12
  • Toku Topic (The Story of Shin Sang-ok and Choi Eun-hee): 1:16:12-2:00:12
  • Outro: 2:00:12-2:14:30
  • Credits: 2:14:30-end

Podcast Social Media:

#JimmyFromNASALives       #MonsterIslandFilmVault    

© 2024 Moonlighting Ninjas Media

Bibliography/Further Reading:

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Episode 94 Prologue: “The Hunting of the Snarky Nate” (Part 1)


Uber-Moguera lands in North Korea, and Nate meets a squad of soldiers on the airfield. He gives their Commander documents showing they have authorization to be in the country–but with one sarcastic comment, Nate finds himself on their “most wanted” list and dodging bullets! Can he survive this international incident?

Featuring Nate Chen as the NK Commander.

Check out Nathan’s spinoff podcasts, The Henshin Men and The Power Trip. Henshin Power V3 coming July 10, 2024 (Ultraman Day)!

We’d like to give a shout-out to our MIFV MAX patrons Danny DiManna (author/creator of the Godzilla Novelization Project); Damon Noyes, The Cel Cast, TofuFury, Eric Anderson of Nerd Chapel, Ted Williams, Wynja the Ninja, Christopher Riner, The Indiscrite One, Eli Harris, Jake Hambrick, Matt Walsh (but not that Matt Walsh), Jonathan Courtright, Leon Campbell, and Michael Watson! Thanks for your support!

You, too, can join MIFV MAX on Patreon to get this and other perks starting at only $3 a month! (

Buy official MIFV merch on TeePublic! ( NEW MERCH NOW AVAILABLE!

This episode is approved by the Monster Island Board of Directors.

Podcast Social Media:

#JimmyFromNASALives       #MonsterIslandFilmVault

© 2024 Moonlighting Ninjas Media

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Special Report #7: ‘Ultraman: Rising’ Ft. Jeff Gomez of Ultraman Connection

Nathan is joined by the CEO of Starlight Runner Entertainment, Jeff Gomez, an “ultra-fan” who presides over the website Ultraman Connection, to discuss Netflix’s new animated Ultraman movie. Is it truly one of the best animated films of the year? We get into that and more!

Watch the video version here:

Check out Nathan’s spinoff podcasts, The Henshin Men and The Power Trip. Henshin Power V3 coming July 10, 2024 (Ultraman Day)!

We’d like to give a shout-out to our MIFV MAX patrons Danny DiManna (author/creator of the Godzilla Novelization Project); Damon Noyes, The Cel Cast, TofuFury, Eric Anderson of Nerd Chapel, Ted Williams, Wynja the Ninja, Brad “Batman” Eddleman, Christopher Riner, The Indiscrite One, Eli Harris, Jake Hambrick, Matt Walsh (but not that Matt Walsh), Jonathan Courtright,  Robert Kidd, Leon Campbell, and Michael Watson! Thanks for your support!

You, too, can join MIFV MAX on Patreon to get this and other perks starting at only $3 a month! (

Buy official MIFV merch on TeePublic! ( NEW MERCH NOW AVAILABLE!

This episode is approved by the Monster Island Board of Directors.

Podcast Social Media:

#JimmyFromNASALives       #MonsterIslandFilmVault     #Ultraman            #UltramanRising        #Netflix

© 2024 Moonlighting Ninjas Media

Bibliography/Further Reading:

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Bonus Episode #17: ‘War of the God Monsters’

Hello, Kaiju Lovers! The South Korean leg of The Monster Island World Tour comes to an end in this bonus episode with a movie that exemplifies what Korean kaiju cinema did wrong before The Host: War of the God Monsters (aka The Flying Monster). This movie, which was released stateside by SRS Cinema, floundered in obscure infamy for years, and with good reason—it stole all of its monster footage from Ultraman! Yep, aside from one life-size prop, there’s nary an original monster in sight. If you thought the stock footage in All Monsters Attack and Gamera: Super Monster was bad, prepare to have those become your new favorite movies! Then Nate answers some listener feedback.

Edited by Christopher Riner with Nathan Marchand.

Check out Nathan’s spinoff podcasts, The Henshin Men and The Power Trip. Henshin Power V3 coming July 10, 2024 (Ultraman Day)!

We’d like to give a shout-out to our MIFV MAX patrons Danny DiManna (author/creator of the Godzilla Novelization Project); Damon Noyes, The Cel Cast, TofuFury, Eric Anderson of Nerd Chapel, Ted Williams, Wynja the Ninja, Brad “Batman” Eddleman, Christopher Riner, The Indiscrite One, Eli Harris, Jake Hambrick, Matt Walsh (but not that Matt Walsh), Jonathan Courtright,  Robert Kidd, Leon Campbell, and Michael Watson! Thanks for your support!

You, too, can join MIFV MAX on Patreon to get this and other perks starting at only $3 a month! (

Buy official MIFV merch on TeePublic! ( NEW MERCH NOW AVAILABLE!

This episode is approved by the Monster Island Board of Directors.



  • Main Discussion: 0:00-16:19
  • Ad (Toku Toy Town): 16:19-17:41
  • Outro – Listener Feedback and Housekeeping: 17:41-29:53
  • Credits: 29:53-end

Podcast Social Media:

#JimmyFromNASALives       #MonsterIslandFilmVault     #WaroftheGodMonsters            #SRSCinema

© 2024 Moonlighting Ninjas Media

Bibliography/Further Reading:

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