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Tag: Jimmy From NASA

Meet the Tourists!

With the first big film discussion episode next week—which begins our chronological coverage of King Kong’s filmography with the 1933 classic—I thought now would be a good opportunity to introduce you all to the core group of Monster Island Tourists who will be guest-hosting with me on the podcast.

Ladies, gentlemen, and kaiju lovers of all ages, meet Nick, Tim, Joe, and Joy!

Nick (left) and Tim (right).

Nick Hayden and Timothy Deal are the co-hosts of Derailed Trains of Thought, the premiere podcast on storytelling for the creator and the consumer. I’ve known both of them since my college days. Nick is an accomplished writer (and you should be reading everything he writes!), and Tim studied film in grad school. I’ve collaborated with them on several writing projects like Children of the Wells and, as I’ve mentioned before, I’ve been a frequent guest on their podcast. Be sure to check out the links to their sites!

Joe and Joy.

Joe and Joy Metter are another pair of longtime friends of mine. I also met Joe back in my college days. Joe loves anime and Mystery Science Theatre 3000 (which is probably why we got along as well as we did), and Joy thinks she lives in a musical half the time and will randomly break out into song. The two of them just celebrated their tenth wedding anniversary.

These four will be on the show most often, but they won’t be the only ones. Here’s a tentative list of the other Tourists who will be joining me during the podcast’s extended first season:

Eric Anderson (founder of Nerd Chapel)
Ben Avery (writer and podcaster)
Dallas Mora (co-founder of Geek Devotions)
John LeMay (kaiju scholar and author)
Daniel DiManna (creator/author of the Godzilla Novelization Project)
Bex Smith (host of the Redeemed Otaku podcast)

There are a few other names on my back-up list and my season two list. It’ll never be boring on this show with this lively group of newcomers and veteran fans!

See you next week for King Kong (1933)!

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Episode 1: Welcome…to Monster Island!

Hello, kaiju lovers!

Listen as Nathan Marchand, co-creator and season one co-host of the Kaijuvision Radio, regales you with the origin story of his new podcast. It includes a vacation to a resort on the fabled Monster Island (formerly Monsterland), where he met his intrepid producer, Jimmy From NASA (who miraculously survived the infamous War in Space), and got a new job as the curator of the Island’s film vault. Between bantering sessions with his detail-obsessed, fact-checking interrupter of a producer, Nathan explains the podcast’s philosophy of film appreciation and lays the groundwork for the upcoming episodes.

And what will Nathan, Jimmy, and their many guests be discussing first? The filmography of Monster Island’s other most famous resident: KING KONG!

Hold onto your butts!

The Monster Island Film Vault: A podcast seeking entertainment and enlightenment through tokusatsu.

Check out the epic three-hour KVR episode on Shin Godzilla:
Episode 37: Shin Godzilla (2016) (Great East Japan Earthquake/Tsunami/Fukushima Meltdowns)

Check out Jimmy’s Notes, the companion blog series to each episode of The Monster Island Film vault!


© 2019 Nathan Marchand/Moonlighting Ninjas Media

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Goji-kun and Bro Kong Meet Binty Kong

With only a week to go before The Monster Island Film Vault premieres next week (Sept. 25), the podcast’s mascots, Goji-kun and Bro Kong, are welcoming some visitors—until this happens!

“Bro Kong, what does the chopper say about his power level?”
“IT’S OVER 9,000! GRAH!”
“What, 9,000?! There’s no way that can be right!”
“I came here for the podcast premiere, not to pick a fight!”

Boys, what have I told you about treating guests? Especially when it’s my brother Jarod’s friend Binty Kong! Don’t make me sick Jimmy From NASA on you! Ugh!

All right, kaiju lovers, while I sort this out, you listen to the trailer for the podcast.

The Monster Island Film Vault—a podcast seeking entertainment and enlightenment through tokusatsu—drops in your favorite podcatcher next Wednesday!

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Introducing: Jimmy’s Notes

It’s me, Jimmy From NASA, the intrepid producer of The Monster Island Film Vault.

Hello, folks!

The podcast’s intrepid producer, Jimmy From NASA, here. With The Monster Island Film Vault launching next month and recordings underway, it dawned on me that Nate couldn’t share everything he researched about the films. I also learned in our first big recording session with the Tourists (i.e. Nate’s friends) that I couldn’t catch every incorrect fact they brought up. I’m a stickler for details. Like white on rice in a blizzard.

It turns out there’s a clause in the contract we signed that states I get to have a blog on the podcast website. So, after talking this over with Nate (for about 30 seconds), I decided that on the podcast’s off-weeks between episodes (they release the second and fourth Wednesdays of each month), I’ll write and post a blog with everything Nate and the Tourists left out and any corrections on what they said. And trust me, I’ve already got a long list on Nate. There’s a lot more snark coming his way. 😛

Plus, it gives me something to do when I’m not busy here on the Island. All work and no play makes Jimmy a dull boy. And I avoid having flashbacks to the War in Space—

Those horrible spinning egg ships….


I’m not crying. No, not at all.

Anyway, my first blog will be October 16, the week after Nate and the Tourists cover the 1933 classic King Kong.



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Episode 0 – Promo Trailer

Artwork by Tyler Sowles.

A podcast seeking entertainment and enlightenment through tokusatsu.

Join host/curator Nathan Marchand and his intrepid producer, Jimmy From NASA (who miraculously survived the infamous War in Space), as they and a rotating roster of Monster Island’s best and brightest Tourists dive deep into the films starring the Island’s most famous kaiju residents!

This is a film appreciation podcast that chronologically and critically examines films from the kaiju and tokusatsu genres. Episodes rotate between round table discussions that feature the film’s production info and an explanation of its historical and cultural contexts; and “mini-sodes” that will include interviews, comedy sketches, and audio essays, among other things. Episodes will drop the second and fourth Wednesdays of each month, starting in September 2019. Listeners have a fun and fascinating journey ahead of them.

First up: The Eighth Wonder of the World!

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