Our big year started with a big film when Nathan was joined by Ben Avery to discuss Dino de Laurentiis’ 1976 remake of King Kong. I have a lot to add and Nathan had plenty of leftover notes from re-watching the film. So, let’s started.
- Nathan informed me after the fact that I forgot to mention that the film has a 5.9 score on IMDB with 28,249 ratings as of today. Oops. Okay, Nathan, you get one point on me. Don’t expect that to happen often!
- The books Ben mentioned—as pointed out by a listener on Twitter—were the Crestwood Monster Series Books. Yes, they do go for a pretty penny now, although you can find them for reasonable prices if you search on eBay. (Weirdly enough, the King Kong book is on Amazon for only $15 in hardback!)
- “Funnest,” Ben? I’d expect a professional writer like yourself to know that isn’t the proper superlative for that adjective (although I’m surprised it isn’t). The Law of Common Usage may make you right eventually, though.
- I think it was more De Laurentiis making this film than Paramount, but, you know, details. 😛
- Gorillas are apes, not monkeys, Ben! (see VeggieTales).
- Actually, Ben, I do think you get a few decent close-ups of the “gorilla chief,” especially during the sacrifice scene where he’s dancing around like a male stripper on crack!
- Wow, Ben, you outdid me. I couldn’t find those deleted/alternate scenes you mentioned were on YouTube. However, some of the scenes shown on the extended NBC TV version can be found on it.
- It’s pronounced “kra-kn” not “krei-kn,” Ben.
- Tim would be disappointed that Nathan forgot Charles Grodin was in The Great Muppet Caper. Shame. 😛
- “Petra” is Greek for “rock,” so I assume it was used as the source word for Petrox (not to take away from the clever pun).
- Nathan and I watched a POV video of the original Kong ride, “Kongfrontation,” at Universal Studios. He was doubly jealous when I told him I rode it back when it opened in 1977. 😛 Yes, there were Smellitzers” installed in the animatronic Kong’s mouth that emitted “banana breath.” (The scientists here on the Island tell me the real Kong’s breath is…well, in need of some kaiju-sized mouthwash).
- Ben correctly identified the documentary as Man on Wire. It tells the true story of Phillippe Petit, who walked across a tightrope between the World Trade Center Towers in 1974. (This was illegal, by the way). Nathan wants to see it now.
- According to Newsweek, there were gas stations owners who faced prosecution in 2001 for price gouging.
- Your closing is cute, Ben, but I’m actually a Sagittarius. 😛 (Not that I believe in horoscopes. I am a man of science who knows what stars actually do: burn and gravitate). J
Now on to Nathan’s rather exhaustive notes from the film. He went through all his stuff for the 1973 oil crisis, but as Ben said, there is much to talk about with this film.
Nathan notes:
- “Here’s to the big one.” Foreshadowing. (Hence why Nathan referenced it at the beginning of the episode. –Jimmy)
- James Creelman, Ruth Rose, Merian C. Cooper, and Edgar Wallace are all credited as inspiration. Wow. (Probably for legal reasons. 😛 –Jimmy)
- How do sailors deal with everything on a table moving during a stormy sea? It’s even worse when you’re drunk.
- The island does appear to be shaped like a skull, although they never call it that.
- It’s implied that Kong may be at least 400 years old (1605). Or he is the latest member of the species? At least that’s a little mythic.
- “Spouting ape s—t.” Foreshadowing?
- “Snapped a few monkeys.” More foreshadowing.
- Jack and Dwan’s relationship does get at least a little more development in this compared to Jack and Ann.
- Was Kong spotted on radar briefly?
- How does Dwan not cause all kinds of trouble being the only woman on this ship? (When I flew on the Gohten, there was only one woman onboard, and the men behaved themselves—although that was probably because she was the captain’s daughter, so you may have a point there. Maybe. I’m not giving you another one this week, Marchand!)
- Set off charges to map geological structure—just like in Skull Island!
- I gotta say, the scenery in this is really pretty. It does make me wonder if Peter Jackson was influenced by this?
- They say the wall is Egyptian like in the original.
- Dwan says this is a wedding. Bride has a blonde headdress. Groom stand-in is dressed in ape mask and makes thrusting motions while dancing. Definitely indicates what they think happens. Very ‘70s.
- The chief tries to trade six maidens for Dwan like in the original.
- Jack speaks against colonialism by saying this isn’t the 19th century, so they can’t walk in and take their island.
- Just like the original, the natives read the script and knew exactly where Dwan was. Somehow they keep her from not screaming much.
- Did Dwan get drugged by natives? (Obviously, yes. –Jimmy)
- It’s never explained why the natives want Dwan over their own girls. The original aid it was because she was blonde.
- And so they recreate the iconic scene where the girl is tied to the…altar(?) and Kong comes through the trees and takes her. It’s surprisingly effective.
- Kong appears 53 minutes in. (Which I think is proportional to the 1933 original where Kong appears 40 minutes into a 100 minute film. –Jimmy)
- Dwan references Empire State Building.
- There’s a Chinese cook (and masseuse?) like in the original.
- “Turned on ape.” Constant sexual references. Very ‘70s
- Stone towers foreshadow Twin Towers.
- This time Kong undressing the girl does feel sexual, unlike the original. It’s unsettling.
- A giant snake appears out of nowhere. Only other monster on island. Gory death when Kong breaks its jaw. Harkens back to original.
- “Estimates monkey time”? Oh my…
- Replicates the scene where Kong crashes through wall. A bit more spectacular because Kong actually smashes it.
- Like original, Kong is knocked out with chloroform. Scene with his hand rising out of cloud of gas in hole is actually effective.
- Jack opposes the exploitation of Kong, unlike original. Calls it a “grotesque farce.” The beauty and the beast show is frowned upon. Later calls it a “Tragedy.” Quits Wilson’s “circus” on principle.
- The shot where Kong catches Dwan was a bit unimpressive.
- There’s no mention of a legend of Kong before getting to island, unlike original.
- One shot of Empire State Building.
- How long did it take Wilson to put all this together? This is a lot of stuff.
- Kong reaches into building and grabs Dwan like in original. This time, though, she doesn’t seem as resistant. Yet she still calls for help. Hmm…is she confused about how to feel? I don’t want to get into sex and consent right now.
- Jack cheers when Kong kills soldiers. He is a hippie.
With that, the “Kong Quest” will with the…unfortunate sequel in next month’s main episode on King Kong Lives.
Join us next week for a mini-analysis of one of my favorite Toho tokusatsu films: The Mysterians.
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