… Huh? I’m supposed to be writing a blog? Oh! Sorry, Kaiju Lovers, I was distracted by Kaguya. She’s looking mighty fine today…for reasons. Ah-hem…. Anyway, episode 84 on Mighty Peking Man was an interesting one. John LeMay and I continue to keep the hatchet buried, but my new mic is still hot garbage. Gah! Despite these distractions, I still did my due diligence and took notes on this episode in my iconic riff-tastic way. Let’s get into them.
- Nate going off topic? That’s new.

- It’s easy to confuse the woman’s and ape-man’s names—but not they themselves!
- Nate, you’re a terrible, terrible person for reasons other than forgetting Johnny’s Chinese name. Which, by the way, is Chen Zhengfeng.
- The G-Fest filmmakers are Dojo Studios. You should know this because you’re cameoing in a crowd scene in their new film.
- I watch this flick for Ms. Kraft, too. Don’t most straight guys, weird or otherwise? (Not that I’m saying I’m weird…because I am…but not that kind of weird, I swear!)
- Kaguya hit me because of this movie…but not while watching it…I don’t want to talk about it.
- It’s nice that great minds like mine and John’s think alike about a Hong Kong giant ape-man movie.
- Slander? I’ve seen your search history for “podcast films,” Marchand! You sure you’re sticking to the “no porn” rule?
- We need a larger number of angry anti-rapist kaiju. We’d have a hell of a lot fewer problems then.
- Teruyoshi Nakano and I were best friends. We had a shared love of explosions. Why do you think Venus blew up?
- From Wikizilla: “Director Keizo Murase originally conceived of the idea for Brush of the God while making The Mighty Peking Man, following a suggestion that he write a film for Hong Kong producer Chua Lam.”
- Low-hanging fruit and monkeys? Not your best joke, John.
- I didn’t stand a chance?! Against who?! EXPLAIN YOURSELF!
- I searched for a feminist essay on Mighty Peking Man. Sadly, I don’t have access to a scholarly database, and this is all I could find on Google Scholar. Perhaps they haven’t discovered this film yet? (Let’s keep it that way).
- It’s pronounced “ka-zem” not “cha-zem” John.
- Take it up with Capt. Gordon about the Asylum stealing my Mechani-Kong Mk. II plans? How about Raymund! Michael will be hearing from my lawyer!
- I may or may not have been on the Empire State Building looking for the woman with the Peking Man bones…I don’t want to talk about it.
Join MIFV MAX on Patreon to read Nate’s leftover research notes for this episode!
In our next few episodes, we’re taking some unexpected divergences. For “Godzilla Redux,” we aren’t doing Destroy All Monsters…because reasons. No, The Cel Cast joins us for more Godzilla: The Series coverage with the three-parter “Monster Wars.” Then we do a special episode on The Whale God, which was just released by SRS Cinema. Daniel DiManna joins Nate for this because they were supposed to be included on the blu-ray’s special features. They’ll explain. Then the World Tour continues when we go from here in Hong Kong to South Korea to catch Yongary (I) and discuss his film, Yongary, Monster from the Deep.
Until next time, remember…we shall overcome!
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- Follow Crystal Lady Jessica on Twitter: @CrystalLadyJes1
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