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Tag: Toho

Episode 78: ‘Godzilla vs. Biollante’ | Godzilla Redux | Ft. Kaiju Kim and Daniel DiManna

Hello, Kaiju Lovers! In this impromptu but timely “Godzilla Redux” episode that’s technically from the future of the MIFV timeline, Nate sits down and discusses the first true Heisei G-film, Godzilla vs. Biollante, with YouTuber Kaiju Kim and GNP creator/author Daniel DiManna. Why did he move it up and feature them as guests? So they could promote the Kickstarter for their animated tie-in fanfilm! Enjoy this spirited conversation and the best SHAMELESS SELF-PROMOTION you ever heard on MIFV! In the meantime, you’ll hear about what some fans call the “most poetic” film in the Godzilla franchise; how it was written by a dentist who recycled a script he wrote for Return of Ultraman; how it was the first G-film for writer-director Kazuki Omori and special effects director Koichi Kawakita; how it was affected by both King Kong Lives and Little Shop of Horrors; and how it was the subject of a lawsuit between Toho and Miramax. But all of that is nothing compared to the many crazy unmade scripts to which producer Tomoyuki Tanaka said, “No” (Miki was a cloned sister?! Nate knows that struggle!)

Support “Erika” on Kickstarter:

Additional music:

  • “Bio Wars” by Koichi Sugiyama
  • “Chant My Name!” by Masaaki Endo
  • “Moonlight Sonata” by Ludwig von Beethoven

Sound effects sourced from

Check out Nathan’s spinoff podcasts, The Henshin Men and The Power Trip.

Read Kaiju Ramen Magazine (

We’d like to give a shout-out to our MIFV MAX patrons Travis Alexander; Danny DiManna (author/creator of the Godzilla Novelization Project); Eli Harris (elizilla13); Chris Cooke (host of One Cross Radio); Bex from Redeemed Otaku; Damon Noyes, The Cel Cast, TofuFury, Eric Anderson of Nerd Chapel, Ted Williams, Wynja the Ninja, Brad “Batman” Eddleman, Christopher Riner, The Indiscrite One, Jake Hambrick, Edwin Gonzalez, Matt Walsh (but not that Matt Walsh), and Jonathan Courtright! Thanks for your support!

You, too, can join MIFV MAX on Patreon to get this and other perks starting at only $3 a month! (

Buy official MIFV merch on TeePublic! (

This episode is approved by the Monster Island Board of Directors.


  • Intro: 0:00-8:20
  • Main Discussion: 8:20-2:22:19
  • Housekeeping & Outro: 2:22:19-end
    • SHAMELESS SELF-PROMOTION for the “Erika” Kickstarter: 2:30:15-2:48:48

Podcast Social Media:

#JimmyFromNASALives       #MonsterIslandFilmVault       #kaiju            #godzilla            #biollante        #godzillavsbiollante

© 2023 Moonlighting Ninjas Media

Bibliography/Further Reading:

  • Barr, Jason. The Kaiju Film: A Critical Study of Cinema’s Biggest Monsters.
  • “Biollante.” Wikizilla. (
  • Chanson d’automne.” Wikipedia. (
  • Galbraith, Stuart IV. Japanese Science Fiction, Fantasy and Horror Films: A Critical Analysis and Filmography of 103 Features Released in the United States 1950-1992.
  • Godzilla vs. Biollante blu-ray special features (Echo Bridge)
    • “Behind the Design”
    • “Making of GODZILLA VS. BIOLLANTE”
  • Godzilla vs. Biollante.” Wikipedia. (
  • Godzilla vs. Biollante (1989).” Wikizilla. (
  • Kaijuvision Radio – Episode 23: Godzilla vs. Biollante (1989) (Human Genome Project, Ascension of Emperor Akihito) (
  • Kalat, David. A Critical History and Filmography of Toho’s Godzilla Series, 2nd Edition.
  • Lees, J.D. and Marc Cerasini. The Official Godzilla Compendium.
  • LeMay, John. The Big Book of Japanese Giant Monster Movies Volume 2: 1984-2017.
  • LeMay, John. The Big Book of Japanese Giant Monster Movies: The Lost Films (Mutated Edition).
  • LeMay, John. Writing Giant Monsters.
  • Rhodes, Sean, and Brooke McCorkle. “Chapter 10: “The Bubble and the Beasts.” Japan’s Green Monsters: Environmental Commentary in Kaiju Cinema.
  • Skipper, Graham. Godzilla: The Official Guide to the King of the Monsters.
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MIFV MAX #22: G-Fest XXVIII (2023) | Ft. Daniel DiManna

Hello, Kaiju Lovers! In this epic livestream audio (and rare public MIFV MAX episode), Nathan is joined by his friend, MIFV MAX member Daniel DiManna (Godzilla Novelization Project) to discuss G-Fest 28. This was the convention’s second year at the Hyatt in Rosemont, Illinois—and it’s most attended ever with estimates as high as five-thousand! Nathan was on four panels and Daniel six; they met several guests, including Don Frye, Linda Jo Miller, T.J. Storm, and Yumiko Shaku; and they got into all kinds of other shenanigans (“My nipples will be avenged!”). So, whether you missed the con or were present, sit down, relax, and enjoy hearing two friends talk about a magical weekend with fellow kaiju fans.

Watch the video version on the MIFV YouTube channel.

Sound effects sourced from

We’d like to give a shout-out to our MIFV MAX patrons Travis Alexander; Danny DiManna (author/creator of the Godzilla Novelization Project); Eli Harris (elizilla13); Chris Cooke (host of One Cross Radio); Bex from Redeemed Otaku; Damon Noyes, The Cel Cast, TofuFury, Eric Anderson of Nerd Chapel, Ted Williams, Wynja the Ninja, Brad “Batman” Eddleman, Christopher Riner, The Indiscrite One, Jake Hambrick, Edwin Gonzalez, Matthew Walsh, and Jonathan Courtright! Thanks for your support!

You, too, can join MIFV MAX on Patreon to get this and other perks starting at only $3 a month! (

Buy official MIFV merch on TeePublic! (

This episode is approved by Cameron Winter and the Monster Island Board of Directors.

Podcast Social Media:

#JimmyFromNASALives       #MonsterIslandFilmVault       #kaiju            #godzilla            #gfest  #MIFVMAX   #kingkong       #kong

© 2023 Moonlighting Ninjas Media

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BONUS – Tokusatsu 101 (JAFAX 2023 Panel)

Nathan Marchand gives you a crash course on the tokusatsu medium! This was recorded at JAFAX (Japanese Animation, Film, and Art Expo) June 9-11, 2023. This is also premiering on The Monster Island Film Vault YouTube channel, and the audio will be shared on the MIFV podcast feed.

Watch the video version here:

Check out Nathan’s other podcasts, Henshin Men and The Power Trip.

Check out

We’d like to give a shout-out to our MIFV MAX patrons Travis Alexander; Michael Hamilton; Danny DiManna (author/creator of the Godzilla Novelization Project); Eli Harris (elizilla13); Chris Cooke (host of One Cross Radio); Bex from Redeemed Otaku; Damon Noyes, The Cel Cast, TofuFury, Eric Anderson of Nerd Chapel, Ted Williams, Wynja the Ninja, Brad “Batman” Eddleman, Christopher Riner, and The Indiscrite One! Thanks for your support!

You, too, can join MIFV MAX on Patreon to get this and other perks starting at only $3 a month! (

Buy official MIFV merch on TeePublic! (

Podcast Social Media:

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  • Follow Jimmy on Twitter: @NasaJimmy (
  • Follow the Monster Island Board of Directors on Twitter: @MonsterIslaBOD (
  • Follow the Raymund Martin and the MIFV Legal Team on Twitter: @MIFV_LegalTeam
  • Follow Crystal Lady Jessica on Twitter: @CystalLadyJes1 (
  • Follow Dr. Dourif on Twitter: @DrDorif (

#JimmyFromNASALives       #MonsterIslandFilmVault                 #kaiju  #ultraman            #tsuburayaproductions           #eijitsuburaya             #JAFAX            #KamenRider SuperSentai    #PowerRangers           #Toei

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MIFV MAX #18 – My Trip to All Monsters Attack 2: Chicago S.O.S. (abridged)

Hello, Kaiju Lovers! In this excerpt from a Patreon-exclusive livestream for MIFV MAX members, I share many stories from my weekend tabling at All Monsters Attack 2. I represented Kaiju Ramen Media and promoted MIFV, Henshin Men, and The Power Trip along with several content creator friends, including Travis A;exander, Michael Hamilton, and Elijah Thomas. You’ll hear everything from my pre-con Viennese waltz to meeting a Power Ranger and two Ultramen!

Join MIFV MAX on Patreon to watch/hear the full livestream!

 Check out Nathan’s spinoff podcasts, The Henshin Men and The Power Trip.

We’d like to give a shout-out to our MIFV MAX patrons Travis Alexander; Danny DiManna (author/creator of the Godzilla Novelization Project); Eli Harris (elizilla13); Chris Cooke (host of One Cross Radio); Bex from Redeemed Otaku; Damon Noyes, The Cel Cast, TofuFury, Eric Anderson of Nerd Chapel, Ted Williams, Wynja the Ninja, Brad “Batman” Eddleman, Christopher Riner, and The Indiscrite One! Thanks for your support!

You, too, can join MIFV MAX on Patreon to get this and other perks starting at only $3 a month! (

Buy official MIFV merch on TeePublic! (

Podcast Social Media:

  • Twitter (
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  • Follow Jimmy on Twitter: @NasaJimmy (
  • Follow the Monster Island Board of Directors on Twitter: @MonsterIslaBOD (
  • Follow the Raymund Martin and the MIFV Legal Team on Twitter: @MIFV_LegalTeam
  • Follow Crystal Lady Jessica on Twitter: @CystalLadyJes1 (
  • Follow Dr. Dourif on Twitter: @DrDorif (

#JimmyFromNASALives       #MonsterIslandFilmVault                 #kaiju            #AllMonstersAttackConvention        #AllMonstersAttack

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Jimmy’s Notes on Episode 75: ‘Ebirah, Horror of the Deep’ | Brendan Morley & The Metters

This was the first episode where I had to take notes as I listened in the detention center. Or was I under the bus? It felt like I was under the bus. I’m glad I trained Jet Jaguar to sub for me in the producer booth. There was no way Nate could’ve handled the show on his own. It’s too bad I wasn’t there because I would’ve liked to have met Brendan and challenged Joy to a friendly duel. Anyway, episode 75 required me to do some research using my limited internet access in the detention center. I may or may not have called in a favor from a certain “Hyper Agent” to gather the information I needed (but you didn’t hear that from me).

  • Must you remind me of the Daimajin incident? It’s on my top ten most embarrassing moments. Not top five, though. (I don’t want to talk about those).
  • Masao was my wingman for a while. You know, when I helped Gamera save the Earth from a space squid…who’s now one of my bosses. (Damnit…).
  • I can appreciate the Star Wars references from jail. I need a little joy in my prison life…at least while the “X-Lady” is sleeping…which is a lot.
  • The crab/lobster fighting game has the obvious title of Fight Crab. It’s on Steam and the Nintendo Switch.
  • Sadamasa’s full name is Sadamasa Arikawa.
  • I had to do some digging (YouTube’s search system is goofy), but I found the Peanuts singing “Jingle Bells” in English:
  • I’m just as surprised Brendan understands Jet! It’s like he has a sixth sense with robots. Is he a technopath? I don’t meet many people with those abilities.
  • Roasted Daicondoru does taste like chicken and is served by Japanese KFC’s. It’s one of the Island’s exports to the mainland. What’s strange is only one restaurant serves it on the Island itself: Burt’s (named after Burt Gummer).
  • Jet and Rex go way back…or so they tell me.
  • Joy provided me with a link to the “Godzilla cloud” clip.
  • I confirmed the cigarette on Mothra, which Nate then used for a hype meme.

As usual, Nate has an overabundance of research that can’t all make it onto the episode. Here’s what he had for this one:

One more blog, and I’m caught up (for now)!

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Jimmy’s Notes on Episode 71: ‘Invasion of Astro-Monster’ | Ft. The Dapper Man

After dealing a crazy half-Scotsman for months, a crazy Irishman was easy. And a welcome change. All that to say, Kevin was the cherry on top of what was a favorite episode for me. No surprise, right? Invasion of Astro-Monster (aka the superior title, Monster Zero) features the man who trained me (Glen) played by my man-crush/spirit animal (Nick Adams). Not to mention my real crush (Kumi Mizuno). It’s why when I heard that a lost Xilien saucer was discovered, I requested that it be brought to my garage for examination. Let’s just say I found some…interesting things in it. I’m still preparing a report on my discoveries. At least I was before I was sent to jail!

Anyway, I wrote more notes for this episode (naturally) than I had for the last few. These were:

  • I do have a dirty mouth—I can out-cuss any Irishman!
  • I normally nitpick the guest’s speech flubs—but Kevin is Irish, so I lost track.
  • I approve of the long segment on my man-crush and real crush. I’d almost start a whole podcast about them…but I need a new microphone. I don’t want to repeat an infamous bonus episode.
  • I don’t appreciate Kevin’s tone—I’m not a robot! I just may love a robot…maybe…. She assures me she was just connected to a machine for a while.
  • I call everyone “stinkin’ rats.” Because man-crush.
  • I’ve built up an immunity to the Lady Guard noise. But that’s mostly because I’m an engineer by trade and human.
  • Fun fact: Tetsuo was able to sell the Lady Guard to Bandai, and I had one as a kid. And yes, I did use it to annoy my parents. Sadly, the toy didn’t catch on. No “Bandai mandate” could help that one.
  • I went to Nessie’s Brasserie once. I drank too much and did the shie dance on the bar top.
  • “Plan 9 from Planet X.” I like the sound of that.
  • Keiko Sawai wasn’t in the next Godzilla film (Ebirah, Horror of the Deep), but she did play alongside my man-crush the year before in Frankestein Conquers the World.
  • Good job catching that note about Robbie the Robot. I got an e-mail from him saying he appreciated that.
  • I loved Watangi and the Fabulous Empire of Monsters back in the ‘70s! They’re on a reunion tour right now. They should play a show on the Island—especially when Kaiju Kim visits. 😉
  • I’m still not sure you know how to do your job, Nate. Especially the new one.
  • I recorded a scream for a Lady Guard mark 2. Lost my voice for three days.

And now for Nate’s complete research document:

With this, I’m in the homestretch for catching up on my blogs! Stay tuned for more!

Social media:

#JimmyFromNASALives      #WeShallOvercome               #MonsterIslandFilmVault

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Jimmy’s Notes on Episode 69: ‘Ghidorah, the Three-Headed Monster’ | Ft. Luke and Jason Jaconetti

“Sixty-nine, dudes!” That’s the first thing that comes to my mind reflecting back on this episode. I thought Nate’s personality was huge. Having the Jaconetti brothers on overwhelming. I was amused watching poor Nate try to keep up. That might explain why my notes are short for episode 69: I was too entertained to write as much. Regardless, let’s see what I have.

  • Nate was thinking of a Blue Hawaii, not a Blue Mountain. He doesn’t drink coffee. (This was pointed out by Luke).
  • Venus does trigger me…but I can’t complain about Wakabayashi. What (straight) man would? But obviously, I’m more partial to Kumi Mizuno…because reasons.
  • I used to watch Everyone Loves Mechani-Kong every week as a kid. His “brother,” Mechagodzilla, was always jealous of him because his father, Dr. Who, liked the robo-ape more. 😛
  • I knew I’d need the dump button (aka Jet) for this episode with them Jaconetti boys. Sometimes the muzzle slips off their mouths.
  • MY BROTHER IS DEAD!!! (I was PTSD-ing a bit at the time).
  • I’m definitely playing “Fazers” in the Monster Zero episode. (Except I didn’t. Oops).
  • My off-air language? SLANDER! No, it’s true. People think sailors are foul-mouthed. You should hear space sailors (that’s what “astronaut” literally means) like me. We’d make seamen blush.

Here’s Nate’s research. As you’ll see, the Jaconetti brothers dominated the conversation so much, he didn’t get to a lot of it.

Slowly but surely, I’m catching up! At least it’s faster than Nate with the episodes. 😛

Social media:

#JimmyFromNASALives      #WeShallOvercome               #MonsterIslandFilmVault

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BONUS – Kaiju Conversation LIVE! Episode 2: Into the Multiverse of Marchand (abridged, re-release)

Hey, Kaiju Lovers! To tide you over while I finalize the next few episodes, here’s an abridged version of the 4 ½ hour livestream I did with Elijah Thomas of the Kaiju Conversation podcast. In this excerpt, we talk with Mark Bailey, the editor of Giant Bug Cinema: A Monster Kid’s Guide. This was a collection of essays on B-movies featuring huge insects, to which both Elijah and I contributed. The three of us discuss what we wrote, the origins of the book, and why we wrote it. The most exciting part is the book was nominated for a Rondo Award! And you can help the book win using the link below!

Vote for Giant Bug Cinema on the Rondo Awards:

Buy Giant Bug Cinema on Amazon:

Watch the full livestream here:

Check out Nathan’s spinoff podcasts, The Henshin Men and The Power Trip.

We’d like to give a shout-out to our MIFV MAX patrons Travis Alexander; Danny DiManna (author/creator of the Godzilla Novelization Project); Eli Harris (elizilla13); Chris Cooke (host of One Cross Radio); Bex from Redeemed Otaku; Damon Noyes, The Cel Cast, TofuFury, Eric Anderson of Nerd Chapel, Ted Williams, Wynja the Ninja, Brad “Batman” Eddleman, Christopher Riner, and The Indiscrite One! Thanks for your support!

You, too, can join MIFV MAX on Patreon to get this and other perks starting at only $3 a month! (

Buy official MIFV merch on TeePublic! (

Podcast Social Media:

  • Twitter (
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  • Follow Jimmy on Twitter: @NasaJimmy (
  • Follow the Monster Island Board of Directors on Twitter: @MonsterIslaBOD (
  • Follow the Raymund Martin and the MIFV Legal Team on Twitter: @MIFV_LegalTeam
  • Follow Crystal Lady Jessica on Twitter: @CystalLadyJes1 (
  • Follow Dr. Dourif on Twitter: @DrDorif (

#JimmyFromNASALives       #MonsterIslandFilmVault      #KaijuConversation            #kaiju  #RondoAwards           #GiantBugCinema

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Jimmy’s Notes on Episode 65: ‘Mothra vs. Godzilla’ | Ft. Daniel DiManna

Nate’s been calling these blogs my “prison epistles” because I wrote them while in the Island’s detention center. I’m no Apostle Paul nor am I religious, but it’s a funny comparison. I admit it’s hard to write when there’s a gorgeous Planet X lady in the cell next door. The problem is she sleeps a lot. A good kiss would fix that. Glen gave me some pointers on kissing. (No, he didn’t kiss me! Get your head out of the gutter!) Anyway, here are my notes from Episode 65: ‘Mothra vs. Godzilla.’

  • I can’t find a reason to be upset with Danny. It’s scientifically impossible to be angry at Pollyanne Danny.
  • “Big Willy 3.” Not bad. I doubt he can rap, though. I should know: I’m a connoisseur of gangsta rap. 
  • Hey, I thought that lost recording was funny. It’s not fit for public consumption like a lot of off-air conversations we have on this show, but still funny. If people knew…well, let’s just say Kaiju Kim won’t just be canceling Michael Hamilton.
  • Mocking Nate is definitely in my contract. It didn’t take much to convince the Board to add that clause. Even after I lost respect for my evil bosses, I insisted they keep it in. Again, it didn’t take much convincing.
  • The Mothra vs. Godzilla novelization was written by Takamasa Ueda and published by Kodansha in 1984 (yes, 20 years later).
  • The pamphlet has no fake news, despite stereotypes. I double- and triple-checked.
  • Typhoon Vera caused $5.82 billion in 2023 money. Insane!
  • Which Mothra is the biggest? That depends on what you look at.
    • Largest larva: Showa at 180 meters long (Mothra, 1961)
    • Largest imago: Showa at 80 meters long (Mothra, 1961)
    • Largest wingspan: Showa at 250 meters (Mothra, 1961) (MonsterVerse version is close at 244.8 meters)
    • Heaviest: Millennium at 25,000 metric tons (Godzilla: Final Wars)
  • Just doing my job…whatever that was when I wrote this….
  • Prequels?!
  • Can you blame me for loving Dr. Goldfoot and the Bikini Machines?

If you want to know what Nate didn’t talk about during the episode (which was a lot), here are his leftover notes:

Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have an X-lady to wake up. No, not that kind of X-lady!

Social media:

#JimmyFromNASALives      #WeShallOvercome               #MonsterIslandFilmVault

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