I never do anything half-hearted. It’s the strength and weakness of being an extroverted, Type-A, nerdy guy. MIFV (and my other podcasts, for that matter) are closer to a hobby than a “job,” but I treat them with the same level of professionalism I would as a teacher or a writer, which are my typical vocations. I’m huge on sticking to deadlines and giving my listeners consistent, high-quality content. I take that seriously.
Unfortunately, life, uh, found a way to make that consistency difficult the last few months. There are several reasons for that: my day job requiring more time than I expected and co-hosting two other shows, among other things. Through it all, I refused to ask for help. As Queen sang, “I want it all!” It was only as MIFV fell more and more behind and I got offers for assistance from friends that I started accepting it. By then, it was piling up. As it stands, I’ve hired a friend to edit the main portions of several episodes while I work on the next one–episode 62 on The Blob–and cut together the drama segments.
But after more than a month and a bit of money, I keep running into setbacks and moving the goalpost for my release schedule. I hate it. I hate it because I feel like I’m letting you, my listeners, down. I hate it because I don’t want to, as they say, “pod-fade” like I’ve seen others do. If I can get myself back on track and on schedule, I can ride the momentum that comes with that routine. Otherwise, I’m beyond frustrated. I’m sitting on some great material that is almost finished, and I desperately want to share it with all of you. MIFV has a reputation for scholarship, entertainment value, and high-quality audio. While I’ve never released an episode I would call “perfect,” I strive to maintain the standards I and my listeners have come to expect.
All of this to say, while the last few weeks have been more frustrating than fun in MIFV production, I’m not giving up. I’m too stubborn and determined to do that. You’ll be getting a steady deluge of backlogged episodes soon. Then we can get back to our regularly, well, scheduled exploits. I only ask that you be patient.
Also, if you’re the praying type, I could really use some of those as well. Thank you!
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