I took the day off thanks to Matt Walsh’s generosity, and let me tell you, his money was well-spent on a day of sightseeing with Kaguya. If you’d like to see what we did, check out my post (tweet?) on Twit-X (which, as Nate says, sounds like the name of a Star Wars character). Regardless, once we returned to our mecha-home away from home, I listened to the AOD (audio on demand) of the bonus episode on The Abominable Snowman (1957), and I have some notes.
- I was almost fooled by Matt’s impression of Matt. Kaguya, on the other hand, well, she needed me to explain some things. She’s still more perceptive than the internet, though. I’m amazed we weren’t bombarded by hate mail. That says a lot about the Kaiju Lovers. 😊
- I missed pizza?! (bleep)it!
- The (in)famous Yeti episode is #55, which you can listen to here.
- “Faclemped.” Ha! I’m adding that to my daily vocabulary. It’s one of several words that Matt should submit to a word-of-the-day calendar.
- “Baron Fronkensteen.” Now, I’d pay to see Gene Wilder play the Hammer version of the character.
- Mr. Cushing will always be Tarkin to me, too. I grew up in America and Japan in the decades leading up to Star Wars, so I didn’t catch these British films.
- Curse of Frankenstein grossed $8 million overall, which was 70 times its production budget. The Beast from 20,000 Fathoms grossed $5 million against a $200,000 budget.
- Normally, I throw shade at John, but he and I are mending things now. I do miss the cross-platform flame wars, though.
- The sequels to The Creature from the Black Lagoon were released in 1955 (Revenge of the Creature) and 1956 (The Creature Walks Among Us), and not the ‘60s, Nate! Do your research! I’d have caught that live.
- The lowest British movie certificate at the time was “U” for “unrestricted.”
- Tucker is no Nick Adams! My spirit will beat yours!
- Can we hire Matt for the opening? “Cures what ails ya?” “The diabetus?” The man has a career in commercials waiting to happen.
- Untamed Youth wasn’t an Ed Wood movie: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Untamed_Youth.
- I can confirm the composer of this film is Humphrey Searle.
- “Scumbucketry.” Again, word-of-the-day calendar.
- I couldn’t find a “Chandler the Magician,” but I did find Chandu the Magician. It’s a 1932 American film, though. Perhaps Mr. Guest misremembered?
- Nate does use a Howard Hawks style of podcasting. Trust me, we’ve gotten complaints about it. I try my best to fix it in postproduction for the podcast editions of episodes.
- I do have a strange appreciation for Caroline Munro, er, Starcrash. It truly is the second-best Star Wars knockoff. 😛
- Can we trademark “Raquel Welch Effect”? We know a really good lawyer.
- That’s nine episodes of Godzilla: The Series, Nate: three in episode 45, three in bonus episode 11, and now three in an upcoming episode.
Be sure to read Nate’s research notes on the MIFV Patreon!
Speaking of the next episodes, John LeMay soon returns to discuss Mighty Peking Man (our second Shaw Bros. episode this season), which is known for a blonde hotter than Anne Darrow. (Fight me!) Then, as I said, The Cel Cast returns to discuss the three-part Godzilla: The Series epic “Monster Wars” in place of Destroy All Monsters as part of “Godzilla Redux.” Because reasons.
Until next time, remember…we shall overcome!
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- Follow me on Twitter: @NasaJimmy
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- Follow Crystal Lady Jessica on Twitter: @CrystalLadyJes1
- Follow Dr. Dourif on Twitter: @DrDorif
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