Two episodes in, and I’m already annoyed with my new mic. I spent too much money to replace it, and unfortunately, the eBay seller I bought it from doesn’t do returns beyond 30 days. Plus, I purchased it just before I was wrongfully imprisoned. Oh well. Kaguya doesn’t think I sound as “sexy” on it (she’s still learning what that means). Given that we’re on the road in Hong Kong and I’m the only one with the technical knowledge and skills to maintain my “patchwork mecha,” as Nate calls it, I’m too busy to do anything about it.
But I do have time to share my notes on episode 83, the “Godzilla Redux” on Son of Godzilla with Neil Riebe.
- I just can’t win with my mics (as I explained above).
- I’ve avoided a colonoscopy for years. I keep telling doctors they won’t find anything up there. I doubt I brought anything back with me from Venus…I think.
- “This Island Indiana”? Wasn’t that a mockbuster made by the Asylum about 65 years too late?
- I love the A-Team! It was my favorite show back when I was moonlighting as a substitute Blue Bioman! I may have even modeled my gunplay after the show…which explains why my marksmanship was terrible.
- King Kong Escapes was episode six.
- Plural of Kamacuras is…Kamacuri, according to Dr. Hermann Gottlieb.
- I’ll submit Neil’s theory about the glacier and Solgel and Skull Islands to the Monster Island scientists. He might get a Nobel Prize in Kaijuology.
- I’ll also submit Nate’s “Rip Van Minya” theory to them. He probably won’t get a Nobel Prize…because Minya.
- Nate is basic. Who knew?
- “Momzilla”? “Dad bod”? I’m confused. But so are the people who think Godzilla is female.
- And the Japanese think Americans made Godzilla fat…have you seen the suit in this?!
- This is the episode of crazy fan theories! I should’ve offered one. Hmm…Oh! Minya is the Antichrist. (Well, that’s what some fans think…).
- I’d have preferred Kumi Mizuno in this, obviously. I mean, have you seen my girlfriend? Hubba-hubba!
- “Height” not “heighth,” Neil!
- Psycho released in 1960, seven years before this, Nate! Do your research!
- Come on, Marchand, have you seen Brooke Shields in The Blue Lagoon? (Just don’t tell Kaguya I said that).
- Kazue Kiba gets second billing as a screenwriter in the credits.
- Danny already made the Tofu Fury Jaeger joke last episode. I still like Neil’s idea that it should be ¾ the size and two-times the firepower, though. I’ll get on that once we return to the Island.
Check MIFV MAX on Patreon to read Nate’s leftover research notes!
Our next episode is actually an impromptu bonus episode sponsored by Matt Walsh (no, not that Matt Walsh). Since he’s a madman who jumped to the $100 joke Patreon tier called “Jimmy’s Intern,” I have the day off for that recording. Nate should be able to manage…maybe. Kaguya and I will go sightseeing in Hong Kong. Then we get back to the World Tour in episode 84 with Shaw Bros.’s infamous Kongsploitation movie, Mighty Peking Man (aka Goliathon). There’s a huge ape-man in it? I only remember a hot blonde. (Again, don’t tell Kaguya I said that). My former nemesis John LeMay joins us for that. Then we get back to “Godzilla Redux” in episode 85…but not with Destroy All Monsters (because reasons). No, it’s Godzilla: The Series – “Monster Wars” with The Cel Cast.
Until next time, remember…we shall overcome!
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- Follow me on Twitter: @NasaJimmy
- Follow (the now defeated) MIBOD on Twitter: @MonsterIslaBOD
- Follow Raymund Martin (The Monster Island Legal Team) on Twitter: @MIFV_LegalTeam
- Follow Crystal Lady Jessica on Twitter: @CrystalLadyJes1
- Follow Dr. Dourif on Twitter: @DrDorif
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