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Tag: Raymund Martin

Episode 100 – Fantasy Monster Island: The ‘Destroy All Planets’ RiffTrack Spectacular!

Hello, Kaiju Lovers! We’re celebrating not one but two momentous occasions! First, MIFV has reached triple digits, baby! But more importantly, Jimmy and Kaguya are finally getting married after a whirlwind courtship. All of MIFV’s past guest hosts were cordially invited, and you’ll get to hear highlights like the couple’s vows, Nate’s emotional best man speech, and interviews from guests at the reception. However, before Jimmy can get to the chapel, he and his groomsmen have overcome one last hurdle during the bachelor party—a mysterious device that projects the dreams of the (in)famous Ichiro Miki onto the entire Island! The only way to shut it down is to watch the uncut Destroy All Planets (aka the original dubbed version of Gamera vs. Viras). Not only is it one of only two Showa Gamera movies not riffed on Mystery Science Theater 3000, it’s the most important chapter of Jimmy’s life. Well, before his wedding day, anyway.

NOTE: The credits omitted Sarah Marchand as Jessica Shaw and Olivia Reed as Bonnie Lass. My apologies! Your performances were great!

Listen to the original Gamera vs. Viras episode:

Check out Nathan’s spinoff podcasts, The Henshin Men and The Power Trip, and Henshin Power V3!

We’d like to give a shout-out to our MIFV MAX patrons Danny DiManna (author/creator of the Godzilla Novelization Project); Damon Noyes, The Cel Cast, TofuFury, Eric Anderson of Nerd Chapel, Redeemed Otaku Podcast, Wynja the Ninja, Christopher Riner, The Indiscrite One, Eli Harris, Jake Hambrick, Matt Walsh (but not that Matt Walsh), Jonathan Courtright, Leon Campbell, Michael Watson, and Sam Allred! Thanks for your support!

You, too, can join MIFV MAX on Patreon to get this and other perks starting at only $3 a month! (

Buy official MIFV merch on TeePublic! ( NEW MERCH NOW AVAILABLE!

This episode is approved by the Monster Island Board of Directors.


  • Intro: 0:00-2:36
  • Part 1: 2:36-21:37
  • Destroy All Planets Riff Track: 21:37-1:52:21
  • Part 2 (Epilogue): 1:52:21-1:54:57
  • Episode 100: “You are Cordially Invited to the Wedding of Jimmy and Kaguya”: 1:54:57-end

Podcast Social Media:

#JimmyFromNASALives       #MonsterIslandFilmVault    #Gamera           #Episode100            #FantasyMonsterIsland          #rifftrax          #GameraVsViras            #DestroyAllPlanets

© 2024, 2025 Moonlighting Ninjas Media

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The Kaiju Krypt Presents ‘King Kong, Chapter 9’ by Delos W. Lovelace (Read by Raymund Martin)

Happy Halloween, Monster Children! Your host Vinnie Kami (and his butler, Kappa Joe) return for another frightful tale of monster mayhem. They try something a bit different this time with an excerpt from a novel—or rather, a novelization. Did you know the world was introduced to the Eighth Wonder, King Kong, in a book three months before the classic film released? Mr. Kami has the Legal Action Team’s founder, Raymund Martin, who claims to have received a first edition copy of the book as a gift from a lovelorn secretary (and to have tried to save the book from falling into public domain in the 1960s) read the harrowing chapter where beauty comes face-to-face with the beast. All the while, Kappa Joe demands a raise. Grab your trick-or-treat candy and cozy up to the radio, Kaiju Lovers, for a scary good time!

Check out Nathan’s spinoff podcasts, The Henshin Men and The Power Trip, and Henshin Power V3!

We’d like to give a shout-out to our MIFV MAX patrons Danny DiManna (author/creator of the Godzilla Novelization Project); Damon Noyes, The Cel Cast, TofuFury, Eric Anderson of Nerd Chapel, Ted Williams, Wynja the Ninja, Christopher Riner, The Indiscrite One, Eli Harris, Jake Hambrick, Matt Walsh (but not that Matt Walsh), Jonathan Courtright, Robert Kidd, Leon Campbell, Michael Watson, Edwin Gonzalez, Erik Pearl, and Sam Allred! Thanks for your support!

You, too, can join MIFV MAX on Patreon to get this and other perks starting at only $3 a month! (

Buy official MIFV merch on TeePublic! ( NEW MERCH NOW AVAILABLE!

This episode is approved by the Monster Island Board of Directors.

Podcast Social Media:

#JimmyFromNASALives       #MonsterIslandFilmVault    #KaijuKrypt     #KingKong            #Kong

© 2024 Moonlighting Ninjas Media

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MIFV Season 4 Prelude: “Jailbreak”

Nate survived another harrowing year on Monster Island, and now it’s time to renegotiate his contract. But he’s shocked to learn that, while he was sleeping, the Island’s security systems failed, allowing multiple kaiju to escape back to their home countries. Even with the Legal Action Team on his case, Nate and Jimmy can’t avoid having the Board mandate that they spend a year chasing down these monsters in Uber-Moguera and return them to the Island. Indignant and obsessive, Nate goes to confront the Island’s “zookeeper,” whom he suspects is on the Board’s payroll—and things don’t go how he expected.

Check out Nathan’s spinoff podcasts, The Henshin Men and The Power Trip.

We’d like to give a shout-out to our MIFV MAX patrons Danny DiManna (author/creator of the Godzilla Novelization Project); executive producer Damon Noyes, The Cel Cast, TofuFury, Eric Anderson of Nerd Chapel, Ted Williams, Wynja the Ninja, Brad “Batman” Eddleman, Christopher Riner, The Indiscrite One, Eli Harris, Bex from Redeemed Otaku; Jake Hambrick, Edwin Gonzalez, Matt Walsh (but not that Matt Walsh), and Jonathan Courtright! Thanks for your support!

You, too, can join MIFV MAX on Patreon to get this and other perks starting at only $3 a month! (

Buy official MIFV merch on TeePublic! ( NEW MERCH NOW AVAILABLE!

This episode is approved by the Monster Island Board of Directors.

Podcast Social Media:

#JimmyFromNASALives       #MonsterIslandFilmVault    #MonsterIslandWorldTour

© 2023, 2024 Moonlighting Ninjas Media

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Godzilla Day Special: The Fans Speak at Monster Island’s Premiere of ‘Godzilla Minus One’ (EXTENDED EDITION)

Merry Christmas, Kaiju Lovers! As our special gift to you, we proudly present an edition of the interviews Nate conducted at the Monster Island premiere of Godzilla Minus One at the Denham Theater. Because the interviewees he left out threatened to sue him, and Raymund advised him to just put them in. These were totally-chosen-at-random fans standing in line to see the film. He meets everyone from lawyers to mad scientists to Russian robot comedians (oh my!). It’s later than December 1 as originally promised, but the Board has kept Nate busy!

Guest Cast

  • Damon Noyes as Raymund Martin, Gary Steward, Kevin Gomora, and Russ-Bot
  • Daniel DiManna as Dr. Dante Dourif
  • Michael Hamilton as William H. George III
  • Sarah Marchand as Jessica Shaw
  • Olivia Reed as Bonnie Lass

Written by Nathan Marchand.

Sound effects sourced from, including those by Jay_shams.

Check out Nathan’s spinoff podcasts, The Henshin Men and The Power Trip.

We’d like to give a shout-out to our MIFV MAX patrons Travis Alexander; Danny DiManna (author/creator of the Godzilla Novelization Project); Damon Noyes, The Cel Cast, TofuFury, Eric Anderson of Nerd Chapel, Ted Williams, Wynja the Ninja, Brad “Batman” Eddleman, Christopher Riner, The Indiscrite One, Jake Hambrick, Edwin Gonzalez, Matt Walsh (but not that Matt Walsh), and Jonathan Courtright! Thanks for your support!

You, too, can join MIFV MAX on Patreon to get this and other perks starting at only $3 a month! (

Buy official MIFV merch on TeePublic! ( NEW MERCH NOW AVAILABLE!

This episode is approved by the Monster Island Board of Directors.

Podcast Social Media:

#JimmyFromNASALives       #MonsterIslandFilmVault     #godzilladay   #godzilla            #godzillaminusone

© 2023 Moonlighting Ninjas Media

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Jimmy’s Notes on Episode 80: The Asylum’s ‘Monster Island’ (Ft. Raymund Martin)

Guess who’s back, back again. Jimmy’s back! Tell a friend!

I missed the producer’s booth. It really has become my natural environment. Certainly more so than jail. Although, as prisons go, Ogasawara’s isn’t the worst. How do I know this? Let’s just say this wasn’t the first time I’ve been behind bars. It wasn’t Mayberry, either, though. However, I had the best cellmate. Hot damn, she was a fanboy’s dream come true! Too bad she spent most of her time sleeping…and in the next room…being scrutinized by doctors, security, and at least one Interpol agent. That stressed her out so much, I swear she drank three gallons of water a day. H2O is scarce where she’s from—and no, it’s not Arrakis. But iron bars are no cage for the charm of James Crane! “Lady X” and I got quite close. There was literal hand-holding many nights while she coped with the unwanted attention. Which tells you she definitely wanted attention from ol’ Jimmy! Thankfully, our really good lawyer friends got everyone off her back by blackmailing, litigating them with accusations of racism. I can personally vouch that she’s not trying to conquer anyone—she’s been conquered! Haha!

Anyway, for my first episode back, I took plenty of notes during episode 80 (The Asylum’s Monster Island) featuring that really good lawyer friend. 

  • I finally return, and Nate doesn’t let my ego inflate. Jerk. At least he learned he can’t do the show without me.
  • Jet gets a good report from me. I’d grade him a B+ or A-.
  • I filed that litigation for the season 2 finale. It was for assault.
  • “Bootlegging” meant something different for me as a kid, too. I don’t want to talk about it.
  • I dated a geomythologist once. She couldn’t say “kaiju” right, either.
  • And people think my stories are crazy. Listen to Raymund! At least mine are true! 😛
  • My lawn has mythic lore. (Well, actually I don’t have a lawn. I live in an apartment).
  • I was out-of-practice at interrupting you! Give me a few episodes!
  • I wish I could drink more on the job. The things I have seen and tolerated!
  • You’re always sweet to me, too, Gary. We should get drinks sometime. You like Jack Daniels?
  • You two were right about hypoxia: “Hypoxia is a state in which oxygen is not available in sufficient amounts at the tissue level to maintain adequate homeostasis; this can result from inadequate oxygen delivery to the tissues either due to low blood supply or low oxygen content in the blood (hypoxemia).”
  • You should see the parts I preordered for my next model of drones. They’ll be lava-proof and come with lasers. I’ve nicknamed them the “Fire Rodans.”
  • Nate, you have to be drunk to deal with Jessica? She already hates you!
  • The things I had to do to keep Gary from destroying himself and my equipment! I’d normally correct all of you!
  • I’ve contacted everyone I know at NASA, and all they say is they hate this movie and the “Cheeto rumor.”
  • I need a Rantmaster about weaponized junk food in space!
  • Nate should’ve taken my scotch offer. Apparently, he’s not drunk enough for this job.
  • “Winter” not “Winters,” Raymund.
  • Also, you forgot the direct article in KOTM.
  • “Pursuant” is a great word!
  • New memoir title: “My Life is a Mockbuster.”
  • You said, “blockbuster,” when you meant, “mockbuster,” Nate.
  • The Mouse did indeed defeat Phase 4 Films over “Frozen Land,” which returned to its original title, The Legend of Sarilla. It only took a month, and Disney got $100,000. Raise your hand if you’re surprised. I’ll wait.
  • You should see the notes I trade with Raymund. We know secrets that could topple several governments.
  • I have a lot of side hustles, man. Some of which I can’t discuss, because then I’d have to kill you. 😛

My note-taking definitely didn’t get rusty! But this isn’t my last blog of season three despite it being touted as the finale.

As per my contractual obligations, here are Nate’s leftover notes:

No, Nate has a coda planned; an epilogue, if you will. You see, a certain “lizard king” has a new movie out, and we would be remiss if we didn’t discuss it. That would be Godzilla Minus One (Godzilla -1). In order to, as Nate says, make it the best podcast episode on the film, he’s bringing on the infamous “gatekeeper” Jack “GMan” Hudgens. Between the three of us, your opinion will be invalidated. Then in 2024, season four, “The Monster Island World Tour,” will begin in earnest with the insane Super Infra-Man, which will feature Godzilla Novelization Project creator Daniel DiManna.

Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have a thirsty woman to…satisfy.

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Episode 80: The Asylum’s “Monster Island” (Ft. Raymund Martin)

Hello, Kaiju Lovers! In the (overdue) season 3 finale, Nate is forced to deal with Cameron Winter’s “Christmas gift”: the Asylum’s infamous Monster Island. It’s supposedly a “mockbuster” of 2019’s Godzilla: King of the Monsters, but even by the Asylum’s standards, that’s a stretch. To unravel the legal loopholes and shenanigans that went into making this…movie, Nate brings on the Island’s star lawyer, Raymund Martin, and the man’s paralegal, Gary Steward. Not only do they riff this half-competent (and therefore, boring) “kaiyu” flick into the ground, they give you a crash course in the history of the Asylum and mockbusters. Nate’s contractual obligations are now complete!

Beforehand, Nate delivers his final report as the nonexistent “media master” to Mr. Gold, who reveals a few tantalizing details about what’s been happening on the Island lately.

Guest Cast

  • Michael Hamilton as Mr. Gold
  • Damon Noyes as Raymund Martin and Gary Steward

This episode’s prologue, “Heart of Gold,” was written by Michael Hamilton and Nathan Marchand.

Additional music:

  • “This Cowboy’s Hat” (instrumental) by Chris LeDoux
  • “Pacific Rim” by Niall Stenson
  • “Circus Music” (public domain)
  • “Kaiju Rap” by Jonah Ray
  • “Chant My Name!” by Masaaki Endo

Sound effects sourced from, including those by Brad Wesson.

Check out Nathan’s spinoff podcasts, The Henshin Men and The Power Trip.

We’d like to give a shout-out to our MIFV MAX patrons Travis Alexander; Danny DiManna (author/creator of the Godzilla Novelization Project); Eli Harris (elizilla13); Chris Cooke (host of One Cross Radio); Bex from Redeemed Otaku; Damon Noyes, The Cel Cast, TofuFury, Eric Anderson of Nerd Chapel, Ted Williams, Wynja the Ninja, Brad “Batman” Eddleman, Christopher Riner, The Indiscrite One, Jake Hambrick, Edwin Gonzalez, Matt Walsh (but not that Matt Walsh), and Jonathan Courtright! Thanks for your support!

You, too, can join MIFV MAX on Patreon to get this and other perks starting at only $3 a month! (

Buy official MIFV merch on TeePublic! ( NEW MERCH NOW AVAILABLE!

This episode is approved by the Monster Island Board of Directors.


  • Prologue: 0:00-7:37
  • Introduction: 7:37-18:19
  • Main Discussion: 18:19-2:19:21
  • Outro: 2:19:21-2:30:21
  • Credits: 2:30:21-2:31:58

Podcast Social Media:

#JimmyFromNASALives       #MonsterIslandFilmVault     #amerikaiju    #kaiju            #theasylum     #mockbuster   #monsterisland

© 2023 Moonlighting Ninjas Media

Bibliography/Further Reading:

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Godzilla Day Special: The Fans Speak at Monster Island’s Premiere of ‘Godzilla: Minus One’

Hello, Kaiju Lovers! In this special episode, Nate attends the Monster Island premiere of Godzilla: Minus at the Denham Theater to interview totally-chosen-at-random fans standing in line to see the film. He meets everyone from lawyers to mad scientists to Russian robot comedians (oh my!). What’s crazy is what Nate had to leave on the cutting room floor, so expect an extended “director’s cut” of this special around the time of the film’s U.S. premiere December 1!

Guest Cast

  • Damon Noyes as Raymund Martin, Gary Steward, Kevin Gomora, and Russ-Bot
  • Daniel DiManna as Dr. Dante Dourif
  • Olivia Reed as Bonnie Lass

Written by Nathan Marchand.

Sound effects sourced from

Check out Nathan’s spinoff podcasts, The Henshin Men and The Power Trip.

We’d like to give a shout-out to our MIFV MAX patrons Travis Alexander; Danny DiManna (author/creator of the Godzilla Novelization Project); Eli Harris (elizilla13); Damon Noyes, The Cel Cast, TofuFury, Eric Anderson of Nerd Chapel, Ted Williams, Wynja the Ninja, Brad “Batman” Eddleman, Christopher Riner, The Indiscrite One, Jake Hambrick, Edwin Gonzalez, Matt Walsh (but not that Matt Walsh), and Jonathan Courtright! Thanks for your support!

You, too, can join MIFV MAX on Patreon to get this and other perks starting at only $3 a month! (

Buy official MIFV merch on TeePublic! ( NEW MERCH NOW AVAILABLE!

This episode is approved by the Monster Island Board of Directors.

Podcast Social Media:

#JimmyFromNASALives       #MonsterIslandFilmVault     #godzilladay   #godzilla            #godzillaminusone

© 2023 Moonlighting Ninjas Media

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Episode 61: Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers – ‘Green with Evil’ | Ft. Michael Hamilton

Hello, kaiju lovers! In our first Patreon-sponsored episode of season three, Nate is joined by his co-host from The Power Trip podcast and frequent guest, Michael Hamilton, for some TV talk. (Although, first they have to resolve longstanding issues from the…“Yeti incident”). In this case, the epic five-part miniseries from Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers, “Green with Evil.” This introduced toku-loving kids to Tommy Oliver (Jason David Frank), the femme fatale Scorpina, and the iconic Dragonzord. But in true MIFV fashion, Nate and Michael have a deeper-than-you-would-expect thematic discussion about this miniseries and how it shows the corruptive nature of evil—and it includes quotations from J.R.R. Tolkien and St. Augustine! Yes, that’s the kind of podcast we are. Strap in, folks! It’s morphin’ time!

Beforehand, Nate receives some voicemails from both Karone and Raymund, with the former giving an update on how she’s coping with life after freeing herself from the Board’s influence, and the latter making excuses for not finding his Gorenger costume. Also, a drunk WHG3 calls into the show to speak with Michael.

This episode’s prologue, “Letters from Rangers,” was written by Nathan Marchand.

Guest stars:

  • Celeste Mora as Karone
  • Damon Noyes as Raymund Martin
  • Michael Hamilton as William H. George III

Additional music:

  • “Go, Go, Power Rangers” by Niall Stenson
  • “Chant My Name!” by Masaaki Endo

Sound effects sourced from, including those by InspectorJ.

Check out Nathan’s spinoff podcasts, The Henshin Men and The Power Trip.

We’d like to give a shout-out to our MIFV MAX patrons Travis Alexander and Michael Hamilton (co-hosts of Kaiju Weekly); Danny DiManna (author/creator of the Godzilla Novelization Project); Eli Harris (elizilla13); Chris Cooke (host of One Cross Radio); Bex from Redeemed Otaku; Damon Noyes, The Cel Cast, TofuFury, Eric Anderson of Nerd Chapel, and Ted Williams! Thanks for your support!

You, too, can join MIFV MAX on Patreon to get this and other perks starting at only $3 a month!

Buy official MIFV merch on TeePublic!

This episode is approved by Cameron Winter and the Monster Island Board of Directors.


  • Prologue: 0:00-3:38
  • Intro: 3:38-12:16
  • Main Discussion: 12:16-1:46:47
  • Housekeeping & Outro: 1:46:47-end

Podcast Social Media:

  • Twitter (
  • Facebook (
  • Instagram (
  • Follow Jimmy on Twitter: @NasaJimmy (
  • Follow the Monster Island Board of Directors on Twitter: @MonsterIslaBOD (
  • Follow the Raymund Martin and the MIFV Legal Team on Twitter: @MIFV_LegalTeam
  • Follow Crystal Lady Jessica on Twitter: @CystalLadyJes1 (
  • Follow Dr. Dourif on Twitter: @DrDorif (

#JimmyFromNASALives       #MonsterIslandFilmVault       #PowerRangers           #GreenwithEvil

© 2022 Moonlighting Ninjas Media

Bibliography/Further Reading:

  • Culbreath, Jonathan. “The Shadow Can Only Mock, It Cannot Make: J.R.R. Tolkien’s Catholic Understanding of Evil.” Faith & Fairy Dust. (
  • Higgins, Kyle. Saban’s Power Rangers: Soul of the Dragon. Illustrated by Giuseppe Cafaro and Marcelo Costa. Special consultant: Jason David Frank. BOOM! Studios. Jan. 2021.
  • Higgins, Kyle, and Ryan Parrot. Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers: Rise of Drakkon. Illustrated by Hendry Prasetya, et. al. BOOM! Studios. Oct. 2020.
  • Higgins, Kyle, and Ryan Parrot. Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers: Shattered Grid. Illustrated by Daniele di Nicuolo & Diego Galindo, et. al. BOOM! Studios. Jan. 2020.
  • Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers: The Complete Series DVD special features. Shout!Factory.
  • Petrucha, Stefan, and Ryan Buell. “Going Green.” Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers Archive, Vol. Two. Illustrated by PH Marcondes. BOOM! Studios. Originally published by Papercutz.
  • RangerWiki. (
  • Tolkien, J.R.R. “On Fairy-Stories.” Oxford University Press. 4 Dec. 1947.
  • Zahed, Ramin, and Jody Revenson. Power Rangers: The Ultimate Visual History. Insight Editions. 8 Nov. 2018.
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Episode 47: ‘Godzilla, King of the Monsters’ (1956) (feat. Elijah Thomas)

Hello, kaiju lovers! “Godzilla Redux” continues with Godzilla, King of the Monsters! (the original and not the 2019 film covered on MIFV a few months ago). Elijah Thomas (aka “The Littlest Gatekeeper”) from the Kaiju Conversation podcast joins Nate to discuss this Americanized version of the original 1954 kaiju classic. While it’s often been derided by both fans and critics alike, Nate and Elijah argue that it’s not only an important time capsule commenting on American-Japanese relations in the mid-1950s, but it just might be more culturally significant than Ishiro Honda’s original film! You read that right! If it wasn’t for Raymond Burr playing reporter (not comedian) Steve Martin in this version, the Godzilla franchise may have stalled and faded into the arthouse ether. That’s just a taste of these boys’ defense of the film!

Before the broadcast, Nate gets a call from Legal Action Team paralegal Gary, who says he’s meeting with a private investigator concerning their case against the Board—just when William H. George III, the Board’s special envoy, pays Nate a visit to make some veiled threats. After the broadcast, which includes several reports about an escaped Gyaos, Raymund Martin comes demanding to know if Nate has seen Gary that day—and tells Nate and Jimmy about a tragedy on the Island.

Listen to Nate and Travis’s spinoff podcast, The Henshin Men Podcast, on Redcircle.

This episode’s prologue and epilogue, “Gary and the Gyaos,” was written by Nathan Marchand with Michael Hamilton and Damon Noyes. 

Guest stars:

  • Michael Hamilton as William H. George III
  • Damon Noyes as Gary & Raymund Martin

Additional music:

Sound effects sourced from

We’d like to give a shout-out to our MIFV MAX patrons Travis Alexander and Michael Hamilton (co-hosts of Kaiju Weekly); Danny DiManna (author/creator of the Godzilla Novelization Project); Eli Harris (elizilla13); Chris Cooke (host of One Cross Radio); Bex from Redeemed Otaku; Damon Noyes, The Cel Cast, TofuFury, and today’s guest host, Elijah Thomas! Thanks for your support!

You, too, can join MIFV MAX on Patreon to get this and other perks starting at only $3 a month!

Check out MIFV MAX #4 to learn how you can help make Episode 50—MIFV’s second anniversary special—possible!

Buy official MIFV merch on TeePublic!

This episode is approved by the Monster Island Board of Directors.


  • Prologue: 0:00-4:37
  • Intro: 4:37-16:30
  • Main Discussion: 16:30-1:28:59
  • Listener Feedback, Housekeeping & Outro: 1:28:59-1:39:13
  • Epilogue: 1:39:13-end

Podcast Social Media:

#JimmyFromNASALives       #MonsterIslandFilmVault       #Godzilla        #GodzillaKingoftheMonsters

© 2021 Moonlighting Ninjas Media

Bibliography/Further Reading:

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