Cloverfield is a film that is gaining more of my interested because of the theories that Clover is a space monster. Or at the very least extraterrestrial. (Contrary to popular belief, those aren’t quite the same things). As for the episode itself, Nick needs to be on the show more often; he’s a pleasant guy. All that to say, I didn’t have many notes on this episode, and none of them pertained to Nick. But correcting the guests is secondary to me keeping Nate honest. Ha! So, here are my additions to episode 68.
- Yes, Rob Hawkins was offered a job by Monster Island in 2008. The Island was in the early stages of rebuilding and reopening at the time, and Rob was hired as its first director of public relations. Obviously, that didn’t work out. (By the way, I got this directly from the Board, so take that with a kaiju-sized grain of salt).
- I had a MySpace page once. And don’t let Nate fool you—so did he! (Believe it or not, the site still exists!)
- Nate, you’re worrying me with that “Yes, quite.” I remember an old…adversary of ours saying it a lot.
- “Blue Harvest” was actually a fake working title for Return of the Jedi. And the title of a Family Guy Star Wars parody.
- From what I can tell, the tie-in manga, Cloverfield/KISHIN, wasn’t officially translated and published outside Japan, but there is a fan translation available here (ch. 1-3) and here (ch. 4).
- Oh, the senseless things Nate does every day. Don’t get me started on the infamous “cockroach” incident involving Elijah Thomas and Daniel DiManna. That audio will stay buried.
- Sometimes I don’t want to be Nate’s “people.” Especially at this time with him climbing higher in the Monster Island corporate hierarchy. Just saying.
Speaking of Nate, here are his notes for the episode so you can see what he didn’t get to:
That’s all for now. I have a mecha in desperate need of a tune up. Later!
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