We’re getting a lot of impromptu episodes this season. Well, two at the moment. As far as I know, there won’t be any more added to the schedule. I don’t know how much more we can handle, especially when we have to split our time between the show, our regular jobs, and kaiju wrangling. Plus, I have a girlfriend…who’s upset with me. (Damnit!) Anyway, I took a lot of notes on episode 86 (The Whale God), which I’m sure will do nothing but shamelessly promote SRS Cinema’s release of this film. (I need to be paid for all this free publicity).
- Never question what I know about robots and piloting! I’ve watched every Gundam series five times. (Okay, maybe I’ve watched five Gundam series once…).
- You goofballs are such SRS shills in this. I hope you got paid for it. Oh, wait….
- Must you talk about whale racism? We’re going to get letters from the Gorilla Whales…again.
- “Dickatry.” Someone call Merriam-Webster; we have a new word for them.
- The shenanigans Alf and I got into…I wish I could talk about them.
- The puns only got worse after the Entertaining Info Dump. They would kill some people.
- Don’t forget Warning from Space, Marchand! That was a “kaiju” film before this!
- That was the weirdest wandering accent I’ve ever heard. How the hell do you go from Davey Jones to Sean Connery?
- Killing a whale to become Takashi Shimura is freaking weird, man! The sad thing is there are people in the Godzilla fandom who would try it.
- I might’ve ripped a voice box out of a Five Nights at Freddy’s animatronic. It was my Predator-style prize!
- What did William Hughes do? I don’t know. I couldn’t find anything on him. I did find other actors named William Hughes on IMDb, though.
- Toyo’s glaring reminds me of angry Kaguya. That’s all I’ve been seeing for a few weeks now. She’s slowly coming around…I think.
- The definitions/descriptions I found for jidaigeki films included:
- “Jidaigeki (時代劇) is a genre of film, television, video game, and theatre in Japan. Literally meaning “period dramas”, they are most often set during the Edo period of Japanese history, from 1603 to 1868. Some are set much earlier—Portrait of Hell, for example, is set during the late Heian period—and the early Meiji era is also a popular setting.” (Wikipedia)
- So, I hate to disappoint Elijah, but I don’t think his new wife, Godzilla Minus One, counts.
- I’m the studliest guy in every room I enter. Even Glen admitted that when he trained me at NASA.
- I do have Twit-X. Perhaps I’ll check on Elijah there. Someone has to keep him in check. Marchand is failing at that. (Although, he did get smacked in the face by Kujira Kami after the show).
- I downloaded and added a proper drum roll to our soundboard.
- Sometimes Nate and I have fact check races. He won this time. This time….
- “Kujira Kami” not “Gami,” Nate.
- Yes, don’t blow hole my mind. (ba-dum-tsh!)
- This episode might hold the record for most rimshots and sad trombones.
- I’m definitely changing that Wi-Fi password. We can’t have randos in Seoul hacking our Wi-Fi. We need the bandwidth to produce the show and catch kaiju.
- There is, in fact, a Korean Coast Guard.
In our next episode, we start the South Korean leg of our World Tour with Yongary, Monster from the Deep (1967), which will feature special guest Neil Riebe (aka Yongary’s biggest fan). Then we have season four’s first Patreon-sponsored episode (which, as Nate said, could be called “Corman’s Crabs”) with executive producer Damon Noyes—and it’s a double feature: Attack of the Crab Monsters and Island Claws. What Nate failed to mention was Danny will return later this month for a bonus episode on Space Monster Wangmagwi. Another SRS title? We need to start charging for this publicity! Then the “Kong Quest” (ba-dum-tsh!) returns when Legendary releases the latest MonsterVerse entry, Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire.
Until next time, remember…we shall overcome!
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- Follow me on Twitter: @NasaJimmy
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- Follow Raymund Martin (The Monster Island Legal Team) on Twitter: @MIFV_LegalTeam
- Follow Crystal Lady Jessica on Twitter: @CrystalLadyJes1
- Follow Dr. Dourif on Twitter: @DrDorif
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