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Tag: Gojira

Episode 43: ‘Godzilla’ (1954) (feat. The Tourists) | Godzilla Redux

Hello, kaiju lovers!

By popular (and Godzilla’s) demand, MIFV is starting a new series on episodes on the Godzilla franchise called “Godzilla Redux”! It starts with the one that started it all, the 1954 classic Godzilla (aka Gojira) starring Akira Takarada, Akihiko Hirata, and Takeshi Shimura, among others, and directed by Ishiro Honda. Of course, such a momentous film and occasion required all four of the original Tourists, Nick Hayden, Timothy Deal, and Joe & Joy Metter. Unfortunately for Nate, there is way, way, WAY too much scholarship on this film, so it was overwhelming to research and difficult to condense it all down. Regardless, the roundtable discusses the U.S. Occupation of Japan, the Lucky Dragon No. 5 incident, and how Dr. Serizawa should’ve been a cool anime character, among other subjects related to this film. 

Check out Nick and Tim’s podcast, Derailed Trains of Thought!

Additional music:

We’d like to give a shout-out to our MIFV MAX patrons Travis Alexander and Michael Hamilton (co-hosts of Kaiju Weekly); Danny DiManna (author/creator of the Godzilla Novelization Project); Eli Harris (elizilla13); Chris Cooke (host of One Cross Radio); Bex from Redeemed Otaku; Damon Noyes, and The Cel Cast! Thanks for your support!

You, too, can join MIFV MAX on Patreon to get this and other perks starting at only $3 a month!

Buy official MIFV merch on TeePublic!

This episode is approved by the Monster Island Board of Directors.

Prologue: 0:00-1:11
Intro: 1:11-3:55
Main Discussion: 3:55-1:17:36
Housekeeping & Outro: 1:17:36-end

Podcast Links:

Follow Jimmy on Twitter: @NasaJimmy
Follow the Monster Island Board of Directors on Twitter: @MonsterIslaBOD
Follow the Raymund Martin and the MIFV Legal Team on Twitter: @MIFV_LegalTeam
Follow Crystal Lady Jessica on Twitter: @CystalLadyJes1

#JimmyFromNASALives       #MonsterIslandFilmVault       #Godzilla

© 2021 Moonlighting Ninjas Media

Bibliography/Further Reading:

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VIDEO: Unboxing Criterion’s ‘Godzilla: The Showa-Era Films’ Blu-Ray Set

In celebration of Godzilla’s 65th anniversary/birthday, I purchased the new Criterion Blu-Ray box set for the Showa Series films. I got them half off thanks to Barnes and Noble’s Criterion sale, which was one heck of a bargain. Watch as I unbox this beautiful (but weird) set!

Godzilla will be throwing one heck of a birthday party!

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Episode 3: The Godzilla Anime Trilogy (Mini-Analysis)

Hello, kaiju lovers!

Welcome to our first minisode! (Well, our second, according to my intrepid producer, Jimmy From NASA). This is the first of a series of episodes where I’ll be analyzing films I was unable to cover on my previous podcast. In this one, I’m discussing the divisive Godzilla Anime Trilogy. Fans either love it or hate it. Me? I like it—a lot. I debunk some of the unfair criticisms of the trilogy, but the meat of my analysis is focused on how each of the four races in the trilogy—the Humans, the Bilusaludo, the Exif, and the Houtua—each exemplify different philosophies and how most of them take their worldviews to the extreme.

There’s a lot of material here—so much that Monster Island’s Board of Directors calls to say I violated my contract! Listen as Jimmy acts as my agent to keep me from being shot into space (he deserves a bonus for practically being my agent).

Here are the podcast episodes I mentioned in the episode. I recommend listening to them—especially the Redeemed Otaku episodes—if you want to hear a review of this trilogy from me.

Read Jimmy’s Notes for corrections, riffs, and more info on this episode!


(c) 2019 Moonlighting Ninjas Media

Kaijuvision Radio Episodes

Episode 47 (1/3): Godzilla Anime Trilogy (2017-18) – General Reflections
Episode 47 (2/3): Godzilla Anime Trilogy (2017-18) – Main Discussion
Episode 47 (3/3): Godzilla Anime Trilogy (2017-18) – Bigger Than Human Existence

Redeemed Otaku Episodes

Godzilla: Planet of the Monsters
Godzilla: City on the Edge of Battle
Godzilla: The Planet Eater

Bibliography/Further Reading

American Humanist Association: “Definitions of Humanism”

“Godzilla back as anime has human drama, fewer monsters” by Associated Press

Humanity +: “Philosophy”
“Max More – Transhumanism and the Singularity” (YouTube)

Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy: “Nihilism”

“There is no sharp distinction between cult and regular religion” by Tara Isabella Burton (Aeon Magazine)

“Transhumanist Values” by Nick Bostrom

“Updated Charts: Screen Time, First Appearance, Attendance” by Joker Cluster

“What is a Cult?” by James M. Rochford

“What is Transhumanism?”

Wikipedia Articles:
Aum Shinrikyo
Clarke’s three laws
Mass suicide

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Discussing Daikaiju: Guest Hosting Other Podcasts

If you finished binge-listening to my first podcast, Kaijuvision Radio, which I wrote about last week, here some more kaiju content from me!

I’ve appeared on several other podcasts as a guest before, during, and after my time on KVR. I discussed multiple topics, but a frequent one was, of course, kaiju. An almost complete list can be found here on my author website, but below are links to all the episodes I was on to discuss kaiju. Enjoy!

Derailed Trains of Thought
A show on storytelling and creativity hosted by my friends Nick Hayden and Tim Deal.

Episode 17: Magic, Muggles, and Morals – I read an excerpt from my kaiju novella, Destroyer.
Episode 50: Guest Starring…Everybody! – In this anniversary episode, I’m one of several returning guests who “audition” in multiple segments to be a third co-host. One of those segments was a discussion of GMK with my future co-host, Brian Scherschel, which ended with Tim joking that we should start our own podcast.
Episode 100: Journey to Tanner Mountain – Believe it or not, this features both me and Jimmy From NASA! In this huge milestone episode, we cameo as an eccentric Innkeeper and his assistant, respectively. I try really hard to get Nick and Tim to read kaiju novels.

Strangers and Aliens 
A show about faith, fantasy, and science fiction co-hosted by my buddy Ben Avery, who’s a comic writer.

Episode 127: GODZILLA (Summer Movie Series)* – I review the 2014 Godzilla film with host Ben Avery.
Episode 255: COLOSSAL Feat. Nathan Marchand – I review another kaiju movie with Ben: the unique indie film Colossal that stars Anne Hathaway.
Episode 315 – GODZILLA: KING OF THE MONSTERS – It was only appropriate that I return to review the sequel to 2014’s Godzilla; this time with Ben and co-host Evan David.

Forever Classic Podcast
This is a show that “seeks enlightenment through video games” started by my former colleague Alex McCumbers (from my GigaGeek Magazine days). Here’s their main website.

Episode 11: Kaiju Games With Nathan Marchand – Remember what I said about being the kaiju guy? Anyway, Alex invited me on to talk about two of my favorite things: giant monsters and video games. We discuss existing kaiju games—past and present—and what we think would make for a great kaiju game. (Little did we know that there would be a G-Fest XXVI presentation on this very subject!)

Redeemed Otaku
A podcast created and hosted by Bex Smith that seeks to “redeem your love for anime by turning to the truth found only in God’s Word.” Follow the show on Facebook and Twitter.

Godzilla: Planet of the Monsters – Bex has me on to discuss/review part one of the Godzilla anime trilogy. Being that its kaiju and anime, it was the perfect crossover.
Godzilla: City on the Edge of Battle – I return to Redeemed Otaku—this time joined by my friend and fellow Godzilla fan Eric Anderson—to discuss/review part two of the Godzilla anime trilogy (that has a title weirdly similar to a classic Star Trek episode). 
Godzilla: The Planet Eater – In one of the best English-language analyses of the entire Godzilla anime trilogy, Bex, Eric, and I breakdown part three and put the other films into perspective. It truly is the best episode of Redeemed Otaku yet! (Don’t take my word for it—that’s what Bex said!)

Many of the voices you hear in these episodes will be visiting Monster Island as Tourists to discuss more giant monsters. Not only that, but these analyses will serve as the backbone of what you’ll hear us discuss on MIFV.

September can’t come soon enough!

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G-Fest XXVI Panel – The Art of Kaiju Writing

The third and final panel I participated in was the annual Art of Kaiju Writing, a Q&A with fellow writers Neil Riebe, John LeMay, and Skip Peel. We spent an hour answering all manner of writing questions, and not just ones related to kaiju. In other words, even if you’re not into monsters, there’s plenty you can learn from this video.

Poor Neil, though. He joked that the camera would break at seeing his face, and at first I thought it didn’t record. I discovered later that it had. 😛

Funny story: I got myself on this panel in 2017 (my first G-Fest) five minutes before it started. I’ll explain later. Enjoy!

The Monster Island Film Vault

Neil Riebe:…

John LeMay:…

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