After dealing a crazy half-Scotsman for months, a crazy Irishman was easy. And a welcome change. All that to say, Kevin was the cherry on top of what was a favorite episode for me. No surprise, right? Invasion of Astro-Monster (aka the superior title, Monster Zero) features the man who trained me (Glen) played by my man-crush/spirit animal (Nick Adams). Not to mention my real crush (Kumi Mizuno). It’s why when I heard that a lost Xilien saucer was discovered, I requested that it be brought to my garage for examination. Let’s just say I found some…interesting things in it. I’m still preparing a report on my discoveries. At least I was before I was sent to jail!
Anyway, I wrote more notes for this episode (naturally) than I had for the last few. These were:
- I do have a dirty mouth—I can out-cuss any Irishman!
- I normally nitpick the guest’s speech flubs—but Kevin is Irish, so I lost track.
- I approve of the long segment on my man-crush and real crush. I’d almost start a whole podcast about them…but I need a new microphone. I don’t want to repeat an infamous bonus episode.
- I don’t appreciate Kevin’s tone—I’m not a robot! I just may love a robot…maybe…. She assures me she was just connected to a machine for a while.
- I call everyone “stinkin’ rats.” Because man-crush.
- I’ve built up an immunity to the Lady Guard noise. But that’s mostly because I’m an engineer by trade and human.
- Fun fact: Tetsuo was able to sell the Lady Guard to Bandai, and I had one as a kid. And yes, I did use it to annoy my parents. Sadly, the toy didn’t catch on. No “Bandai mandate” could help that one.
- I went to Nessie’s Brasserie once. I drank too much and did the shie dance on the bar top.
- “Plan 9 from Planet X.” I like the sound of that.
- Keiko Sawai wasn’t in the next Godzilla film (Ebirah, Horror of the Deep), but she did play alongside my man-crush the year before in Frankestein Conquers the World.
- Good job catching that note about Robbie the Robot. I got an e-mail from him saying he appreciated that.
- I loved Watangi and the Fabulous Empire of Monsters back in the ‘70s! They’re on a reunion tour right now. They should play a show on the Island—especially when Kaiju Kim visits. 😉
- I’m still not sure you know how to do your job, Nate. Especially the new one.
- I recorded a scream for a Lady Guard mark 2. Lost my voice for three days.
And now for Nate’s complete research document:
With this, I’m in the homestretch for catching up on my blogs! Stay tuned for more!
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- Follow me on Twitter: @NasaJimmy
- Follow (the now defeated) MIBOD on Twitter: @MonsterIslaBOD
- Follow Raymund Martin (The Monster Island Legal Team) on Twitter: @MIFV_LegalTeam
- Follow Crystal Lady Jessica on Twitter: @CrystalLadyJes1
- Follow Dr. Dourif on Twitter: @DrDorif
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