With the first big film discussion episode next week—which begins our chronological coverage of King Kong’s filmography with the 1933 classic—I thought now would be a good opportunity to introduce you all to the core group of Monster Island Tourists who will be guest-hosting with me on the podcast.
Ladies, gentlemen, and kaiju lovers of all ages, meet Nick, Tim, Joe, and Joy!

Nick Hayden and Timothy Deal are the co-hosts of Derailed Trains of Thought, the premiere podcast on storytelling for the creator and the consumer. I’ve known both of them since my college days. Nick is an accomplished writer (and you should be reading everything he writes!), and Tim studied film in grad school. I’ve collaborated with them on several writing projects like Children of the Wells and, as I’ve mentioned before, I’ve been a frequent guest on their podcast. Be sure to check out the links to their sites!

Joe and Joy Metter are another pair of longtime friends of mine. I also met Joe back in my college days. Joe loves anime and Mystery Science Theatre 3000 (which is probably why we got along as well as we did), and Joy thinks she lives in a musical half the time and will randomly break out into song. The two of them just celebrated their tenth wedding anniversary.
These four will be on the show most often, but they won’t be the only ones. Here’s a tentative list of the other Tourists who will be joining me during the podcast’s extended first season:
Eric Anderson (founder of Nerd Chapel)
Ben Avery (writer and podcaster)
Dallas Mora (co-founder of Geek Devotions)
John LeMay (kaiju scholar and author)
Daniel DiManna (creator/author of the Godzilla Novelization Project)
Bex Smith (host of the Redeemed Otaku podcast)
There are a few other names on my back-up list and my season two list. It’ll never be boring on this show with this lively group of newcomers and veteran fans!
See you next week for King Kong (1933)!
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