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The Monster Island Film Vault Posts

Episode 27: ‘Frankenstein Conquers the World’ (feat. Travis Alexander)

Hello, kaiju lovers!


In what has to be a providential “accident,” our Halloween episode is the perfect kaiju film for the spookiest time of the year: Frankenstein Conquers the World. Nathan is joined by Travis Alexander, co-host of Kaiju Weekly and the biggest Baragon fan we know (#Justice4Baragon), to discuss this wild if uneven Toho classic directed by Ishiro Honda. We discuss the film’s relation to the hibakusha, the discriminated survivors of the atomic bombings, because Frankenstein’s plight in the film mirrors their real-life struggles. Also, Travis gets to meet Godzilla’s bumbling nephew, Godzooky (he’s practically Travis’s spirit animal), who helps Jimmy From NASA in the producer booth because he’s still reeling from his beatdown at the hands of Daimajin.

Episode image created by Michael Hamilton.

We’d like to give a shout-out to our Patreon patrons Travis Alexander (of course) and Michael Hamilton (co-hosts of Kaiju Weekly); Danny DiManna (author/creator of the Godzilla Novelization Project); Eli Harris (elizilla13); Chris Cooke (host of One Cross Radio), and Bex from Redeemed Otaku! Thanks for your support!

You, too, can support us on Patreon and get this and other perks starting at only $3 a month!

This episode is approved by the Monster Island Board of Directors.

Read Jimmy’s Notes on this episode.

Podcast Social Media:

Follow Jimmy on Twitter: @NasaJimmy
Follow the Monster Island Board of Directors on Twitter: @MonsterIslaBOD

#JimmyFromNASALives       #MonsterIslandFilmVault

© 2020 Moonlighting Ninjas Media

Bibliography/Further Reading:

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Jimmy’s Notes on ‘Episode 26: The Metters vs. Daimajin Strikes Again’

So…let me explain.

This all started as good-natured ribbing between me and Joy. I was just cracking jokes. However, the more she talked about how good she was with a sword, the more I wanted to test that theory. I’m an engineer, after all. Not to mention this sort of thing happened all the time when a new recruit walked onto base when I was in the Air Force. That’s why I unleashed the Dorats on her. If they scared her, I knew she lacked the courage of a swordfighter. I could’ve tried something a bit more…aggressive (I considered a Meganuron), but I knew that would be too dangerous. In retrospect, something that cute was probably bound to fail as a test of mettle. Obviously, we need to feed those flying gremlins radiation after midnight to unlock their killer instincts.

As for quarantining their dogs…okay, I admit I took advantage of an Island rule to annoy Joy. Her slapping me with a glove and challenging me to a duel was unexpected. Although, not nearly as unexpected as getting my butt kicked by Daimajin. If I believed in karma, I’d say I had it coming. I spent a good three days recovering in the infirmary. The soreness only subsided yesterday. I get a little nervous walking through Serizawa Memorial Park. I swear that statue is watching me. Now I know how Whovians feel around angel statutes.

Anyway, I do have some notes from the episode. I had to listen to the second half after it was published last week since I wasn’t there. It’s the usual stuff, as you’ll see.

My Notes:

  • It’s “Tsuruchiki,” Nathan. Admittedly, it’s a bit of a tongue twister name.
  • Irony would be a great source of renewable energy. Almost as good as plugging Marchand into one of my mechas. He’s practically a human dynamo.
  • Yes, I am proud of my haircut, Marchand, but no, I won’t exchange shampoo recommendations with Joy.
  • It was the Sengoku period, Nathan. After only a few episodes, that info slipped out of your big head. 😛
  • (I confess I got so frustrated with Joy, I broke several pencils points and stopped writing about her).
  • Tamashii is a Japanese toy company.
  • Midi-chlorians don’t exist. 😛
  • Nathan discussed bon festivals briefly for episode 9, which was on The Mysterians. (I liked that one).
  • No, Nathan, it was Emperor Hirohito. Akihito was his son (Emperor Heisei). If only I was there to correct you on that. I lived under Emperor Showa for a while, so I know.

Now for Nathan’s leftover notes. He’s gotten better about remembering that every episode isn’t a doctoral thesis. 😛

The Film

  • Daimjain is similar to the Hebrew legend of the golem.
  • This film is unique in the trilogy in that it stars children. It’s kaiju Stranger Things (or Stand by Me). It’s also like a traditional fantasy story because it’s a journey. They meet strange people (old lady), cross rivers, climb mountains. The mochi are like the elvish bread. (Reminds me of my childhood. –Jimmy)
  • I don’t get the sandal flip for checking on his brother. (Like a coin flip, maybe? I had friends at the Japanese school I attended for a while who did it. What’s weird is a few of my Japanese friends did it while building Gohten. Weird. –Jimmy)
  • Sugi is the least impressive in terms of acting.
  • The Daimajin statue appears 27 minutes in (87 minute movie).
  • The boys ask Daimajin’s forgiveness for entering his mountain. They say they just want to save their dads. He sends his hawk and a small dust storm as a reply, which seems to be affirmatory.
  • No explanation for why this statue is in the middle of nowhere on this mountain.
  • The bad guys use guns again.
  • “Heightened sense of smell.” Okay, Wolverine.
  • Sugi has a dream where he’s running on the mountain and a hawk sort of attacks him. He falls and cries out for his father.
  • Broken posts look like crosses.
  • The villains show no respect to Daimjain when they step on his mountain.
  • Tsuruchiki buries it in snow and prays over it.
  • Daimajin’s shoulder pads still shake.
  • He smashes through a cliff like he did the wall in previous film. (Must be made of paper. –Jimmy)
  • During the finale it becomes quite apparent that the actors are wearing skull caps.
  • Wait…he stomps on the cave but his hand reaches in on impact?
  • How appropriate that Daimjain punishes evildoers in Hell’s Valley.
  • When Sugi calls to Daimajin at the end, is he hoping he will resurrect Kinta?
  • This film actually has credits! Probably because it didn’t have any at the start. Very modern. Ahead of its time.

The Toku Topic: Kami

  • Sources: Encyclopedia of Shinto, “Kami: The Evolution of Japan’s Native Gods” by Hashizume Daisaburō, “Meet the Gods: 13 Japanese Kami” by John Spacey,, “Kami” (Wikipedia),
  • It’s best to think of “God” and kami as three different concepts.
    • “The written Japanese form, 神, is influenced by the Chinese meaning of the character. Common words in both languages using this character, such as 精神 (pronounced seishin in Japanese), meaning “spirit” or “mind,” and 神経 (shinkei), meaning “nerves,” are related to human mental qualities. Pronounced shen in Chinese, the character 神 carries some divine attributes, but they are of a decidedly low rank and far below those of the highest power in Chinese theology, termed 天 (tian) or 上帝 (shangdi) in Chinese.”
  •  “Kami were believed to possess human-like predilections in other ways as well, enjoying music, dance, and poetry, and disdaining behavior disruptive of natural or social order, together with pollutions (kegare) such as filth, blood, and death.”
  • “Heavenly bodies further include the sun, moon, and planets, while deified meteorological phenomena would include things like the kami of wind (kaze no kami), and kami of thunder (raijin). Kami related to geological formations include kami of earth (jigami or jinushigami); kami of mountains; kami of mountain passes; kami of thickets, forests, and groves; kami of rocks and boulders; kami of the sea (umi no kami); kami of rivers, lakes, ponds, and marshes; kami of islands; and so forth.
  • “So called “culture kami” can be broadly divided into the three categories (1) ‘community kami,’ namely those worshiped by particularistic social groups; (2) ‘functional kami,’ which are related to specific aspects or occupations in human life; and (3) ‘human kami,’ namely historical human beings treated as kami.
    Community kami may include yashikigami (kami of dwellings) buraku kami (kami of geographical communities); familial kami (tutelaries of consanguineous families); dōzokushin (kinship group tutelaries); and dōsojin and sai no kami (kami which stand at the entryways or borders of villages and protect residents from the intrusion of baneful outside forces).”
  • Speaking of which: “While studying to achieve enlightenment, Amida had vowed that he would strive to have all living things be reborn in this realm, which he reached upon becoming a Buddha. Rebirth in the superior realm of the Western Paradise meant being just one step from Buddhahood and was considered extremely important. The idea that people could become Buddhas after death spread through the doctrine that death could lead to the pure land, which in turn was a stage on the way to Buddhahood.”
  • “The new Shintō movement of Hirata Atsutane (1776–1843) triggered a great change in the way Japanese people thought about kami from the waning years of the Tokugawa shogunate through the early Meiji era (1868–1912). Hirata professed to be a disciple of Motoori, and his study of Shintō led him to proclaim that when people died, they did not become Buddhas or go to Yomi, the land of the dead, but instead became spirits (rei). In particular, those who died for Japan suffered no defilement and became eirei, “glorious spirits,” who would protect future generations. The revolutionary idea that people became spirits after death, maintaining their individuality throughout eternity, leads some to think Hirata had studied the Christian concept of the soul by secretly reading a Chinese translation of the Bible (then banned in Japan).” This paved the way for state Shinto. It also meant that the dead could be enshrined, which led to the construction of the controversial Yasukuni Shrine in 1869.

That does it for today.

Join us next week to hear our Halloween special when Nathan was joined by Kaiju Weekly co-host (and raging Kamen Rider fan) Travis Alexander for an extended mini-analysis to discuss Frankenstein Conquers the World (or as we like to call it here on the Island, “Frankie v. Barry”). (#Justice4Baragon)

Then we cover our first Ray Harryhausen film on the show with Nathan’s friend and returning Tourist Nick Hayden with The Beast from 20,000 Fathoms.

Now, if you’ll excuse me, I need two aspirin and a nap. Marchand is busy reminding me of my comeuppance.

Follow me on Twitter: @NasaJimmy

Follow the Board on Twitter: @MonsterIslaBOD


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Episode 26: The Metters vs. ‘Daimajin Strikes Again’

Hello, kaiju lovers!

The “Daimajin Days” come to a close with Joe and Joy Metter returning to discuss Daimajin Strikes Again. The final film of the Daimajin trilogy, while it has the same basic set-up with an evil lord oppressing the people, focuses on four boys who set out to rescue their commoner fathers and brothers from slavery. The Metters’ dogs Teddy Kong and Bitzilla make more cameos as they and Nathan make frequent comparisons between this film and Lord of the Rings, Naruto, and even X-Men! All the while MIFV’s intrepid producer, Jimmy From NASA, continues to antagonize Joy—which comes to a head in an epic post-credit scene!

Today’s Toku Topic builds on the previous one by discussing kami (Japanese spirits and gods).

We’d like to give a shout-out to our Patreon patrons Travis Alexander and Michael Hamilton (co-hosts of Kaiju Weekly); Danny DiManna (author/creator of the Godzilla Novelization Project); Eli Harris (elizilla13); Chris Cooke (host of One Cross Radio), and Bex from Redeemed Otaku! Thanks for your support!

You, too, can support us on Patreon and get perks like this starting at only $3 a month!

This episode is approved by the Monster Island Board of Directors.

Episode epilogue written by Nathan Marchand with Joe and Joy Metter.

Episode image created by Michael Hamilton.

This episode features the following music tracks:
-“Daimajin’s Ferocity” by Akira Ifukube
-“Kozasa’s Prayer” by Akira Ifukube
-“Jet Jaguar” by Heavy Melody Music

Read Jimmy’s Notes on this episode.

Intro: 0:00-4:42
Entertaining Info Dump: 4:42-10:16
Toku Talk: 10:16-54:42
Toku Topic: 54:42-1:19:36
Outro: 1:19:36-1:29:19
Epilogue: 1:29:19-end

Podcast Social Media:

Follow Jimmy on Twitter: @NasaJimmy
Follow the Monster Island Board of Directors on Twitter: @MonsterIslaBOD

#JimmyFromNASALives       #MonsterIslandFilmVault

© 2020 Nathan Marchand & Moonlighting Ninjas Media

Bibliography/Further Reading:

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Adrift in the Giant Monster Fandom, Travis sends a message to his friends as his passion starts to dwindle. Meanwhile, the remaining Podcasters, Kaiju Groupie, Giant Monster BS, Kaiju Conversations, Monsters vs. Men, and Monster Island Film Vault must figure out a way to bring back their once enthusiastic allies for one more epic live stream of their favorite giant monster movies. But has the feeling of isolation during COVID grown too powerful to be stopped?

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Jimmy’s Notes on ‘Episode 25: Dogora, the Space Monster (feat. Michael “The Kaiju Groupie” Hamilton)’

Normally, my notes on mini-sodes—even extended ones—tend to be short.

Not today!

This week I earn my paycheck (and the ire of Marchand and “Mr. Groupie”) with a list of notes that would make Glen and the rest of my NASA trainers quite proud.

Five, four, three, two, one…


My Notes

  • It’s “mark 3” not “mach 3,” Mr. Groupie. Do you have Kilara on the brain?
  • Regardless, I tried to ask the Board which “friend” I was building the Serpentera Mk. 3 for, and they wouldn’t tell me. I admit I’m a little concerned given that the previous models were used by alien invaders, and I have a history with extraterrestrial invasions.
  • Mr. Groupie got me swearin’ on the air! I went back to my New York roots!
  • Yes, the beginning of this film reminds me of being at NASA. And let me tell you, their space monster procedures were abysmal! I blame the bureaucracy.
  • Mr. Groupie, I’m as nostalgic as the next NASA engineer. We’re by definition geeks, and nostalgia runs deep in geek culture. You know this.
  • “Space junk”? You realize how often that joke came up while I was in NASA? Pshaw!
  • Yeah. That so-called “podcast.” 🙄
  • Oh, come on! You can’t put the word “space” in anything and make me like it. (Okay, maybe “space dog.”)
  • The scientific name given the giant bees (besides “Dogora deterrent”) by the Japanese scientists here is Kyodai Mitsubachi. Security Chief Douglas Gordon, on the other hand, nicknamed one the “Queen B—ch’ (although, I think he stole that from Tab Murphy).
  • Yes, I met Cthulhu. I’ve read the right pages of the Necronomicon to know how to deal with him.
  • Nathan, I’m surprised you didn’t compare Dogora’s weakness to the Martians dying from the common cold in War of the Worlds.
Star Wars Yoda GIF - StarWars Yoda Sad GIFs
  • Yes. I’m an unabashed fanboy for Kumi Mizuno and Nick Adams.
Tom Cruise Deal With It GIF
  • I think Nathan and Mr. Groupie were a bit confused. I’d sent feedback for 20 Million Miles to Earth not Monster Zero at the time of this broadcast. I tried to correct them, but they didn’t catch it. (Speaking of which, I did write that Monster Zero e-mail for Kaiju Weekly).
  • Yes, Carl Craig and I can both speak Japanese. I’m proud of that. Perhaps I should use it more often.
  • Yeah, Marchand, I’m going to have to give you some laser pistol safety training before I take you to my range again. And yes, you shoot like a Stormtrooper. But sure, Mr. Groupie, I’ll take you to my range next time you’re here.
  • Oh, I’m serious about that duel, Mr. Groupie. I’ll get it approved with the Board. Perhaps they’ll allow it if our weapons are set to stun. Too bad you backed down
  • I think you mean “west coast” not “west side,” Nathan. Or do you have Russ Tamblyn on the brain?
  • Yeah…Yakuza friend. I used to know him back in my scouting days. It’s not Masao. Gamera kids would never become Yakuza. Mostly because I think he might eat them if they did.
  • You called it “Daimajin Strikes Back” again, Marchand!
  • Yes, the Board likes 100 Grand bars. I tried Reese’s Pieces at first because of a movie I saw in the early ‘80s, but it didn’t work.
  • It wasn’t easy getting that clause added to your contract, Nathan. That’s how I discovered the Board liked 100 Grand bars.
  • Nathan eats super-spicy Jelly Belly jellybeans to put up with me.
  • “Like somebody I know”? Oh yeah. I know all about him. That was the last time I let him near my armed drones.

Now for Nathan’s leftover notes.

The Film:

  • Jimmy has a soft spot for this one because he’s a sucker for space monsters. (And I feel no shame. –Jimmy)
  • The opening and credits do remind me a bit of Battle in Outer Space.
  • Komai: Who’s almost the same character in Ghidorah.
  • (Typo in subtitles: “big jib.”) (They should’ve had me edit it. –Jimmy)
  • They were very trusting that the truck drivers would see her and not run her over.
  • Mark Jackson is Herbie’s new driver. (Only because he stole that Love Bug. –Jimmy)
  • The references to monsters as if they’re normal lends credence toward this being in the Showa-verse like Danny and I said. (See video and bonus episode. –Jimmy)
  • “Wine delivery”? When was that a thing before InstaCart?
  • This is the only time I can think of in a Showa Toho film that references ninjas—and it’s by an American! (Of course! Because they’re awesome! –Jimmy)
  • The big metal box—is that how you get some of your figures shipped, Michael?
  • The goon eating the rock candy that isn’t a diamond is trademark Sekizawa.
  • Oh crap! Dogora sounds like a Matango! Dr. Douriff might try to summon him! (Uh…someone keep every Lovecraft book away from him! –Jimmy)
  • I love how Komai casually climbs down the building to the next room.
  • The old “crystallographer” is a typical scientist who somehow knows all sciences.
  • This could almost be an Ultra Q episode.
  • The Ifukube music during the venom manufacturing montage sounds like what he’d compose for destroying the control device in Destroy All Monsters.
  • Labs around the world work to study and manufacture the wasp venom. Honda’s “brotherhood of man” theme.
  • Now we have the Mission: Impossible! scene with fuse and trying to get the gun. (A Walther PPK, to boot). Thank God Komai is a decent shot! (Where’s Tom Cruise when you need him? Oh yeah, in the gif above. 😛 –Jimmy)
  • There is some real military stock footage in this.
  • This guy’s obsession with dynamite and throwing sticks of it is hilarious!
  • And of course, the woman dies clutching a fistful of diamonds. (You sexist! Just kidding, of course. –Jimmy)
  • Ever seen ThunderCats? There was an episode where it rained rocks like in this.
  • Spin on Sekizawa’s formula: kaiju doesn’t solve human problem, but solving kaiju problem does solve human problem.
  • And all the diamonds are fake!
  • “Peaceful applications” of the tech developed to kill Dogora? Very idealistic. Very Honda.

Honda Biography

  • Japanese criminologists call the early 1950s-early 1960s the “period of gang wars.” Economic growth led to red light districts where crime thrived. This accounts for the popularity of gangster (yakuza) films during this time and why such elements were added to this film and Ghidorah the Three-Headed Monster.
  • The authors argue that one could interpret Dogora’s destruction of a TV satellite at the beginning of the film as a commentary on the banality of television or the monster’s appetite for coal a concern over industrial pollution. Even the specter of radioactive isotopes left over from the nuclear bombings. But they say the film doesn’t think much of these.
  • Jojiro Okami wrote the treatment, which was changed by Honda and Sekizawa, who added cops and robbers. He wasn’t consulted, which was usual.
  • Robert Dunham’s phrase, “Oh, Kami-sama” (“Oh, God!”) is a very western use of Japanese.
  • The original script was much more ambitious, with several ‘luminous monsters attacking New York and space stations while consuming diamonds and carbon. The Japanese authorities capture one and learn it can be killed with beta rays. Sadly, the film suffered from budget cuts.
  • It left so little of an impression, actor Natsuki didn’t recall being in it in 1996.


  • TV Guide description read on Sanford and Son: “A giant coal-sucking jellyfish from space runs afoul of gangsters and is defeated wasp venom.”
  • “Uchu kaiju” = “space monster” (We knew all about those at NASA. –Jimmy)


  • Influenced by the James Bond series (particularly Goldfinger)
  • Fewer deaths, more laughs in these films now.
  • Argues that the characters are overshadowed by the monsters. Honda’s characters are a “side-element” to the monsters.
  • The film’s poor box office made Tanaka take this formula further.

Notes on the Yakuza:

  • “Boryokudan, another word for Yakuza, is considered an insult. It refers to degenerate, violent gangsters with no sense of tradition or honor. This i­s how the Japanese police refer to the Yakuza.” (
  • “Members are meant to observe strict codes of loyalty, silence, obedience, and the like.” (
  • Unlike in the film, women are marginalized in the Yakuza. Even wives and daughters are mostly servants. Sometimes they’re even used as prostitutes. However, Fumiko Taoka filled the power vacuum left by her husband for several months after he died, making one of the few women to be a boss (and it was for one of the largest gangs in Japan).
  • The Japanese government has employed them, but details are hazy. When President Eisenhower visited Japan in 1960, he was flanked by Yakuza bodyguards.
  • The drug trade is quite profitable for them. They run most of the drug traffic in the country, particularly meth. One member said, “One sure way of making money is drugs: that’s the one thing you can’t get hold of without an underworld connection.”
  • They also got involved in white-collar crime. “Early on, the Yakuza’s role in white-collar crime was mostly through something call Sōkaiya – their system for extorting businesses. They would buy enough stock in a company to be able to send their men into stockholder meetings, and there they would terrify and blackmail the companies into doing whatever they wanted.” … “At their peak, there were 50 registered companies listed on the Osaka Security Exchange that had deep ties to organized crime.” (
  • They now prefer using these legitimate businesses to make money rather than commit crimes.

That wraps things up.

Mr. Groupie insisted on driving Serpentera Mk. 3 back to West Virginia. Despite my hesitation, I let him. Thankfully, he didn’t wreck it (although we did have a close call with the Gateway Arch. Stop flying that low, Groupie!)

Tune in next week when Nathan is joined by Joe and Joy Metter to wrap up the “Daimajin Days” with Daimajin Strikes Again. I’m still recovering from injuries I suffered in that episode—but not from Joy!

Then Mr. Groupie’s partner in crime at Kaiju Weekly, Travis Alexander, joins us for an MIFV Halloween with Frankenstein Conquers the World (#Justice4Baragon).

Follow me on Twitter: @NasaJimmy

Follow the Board on Twitter: @MonsterIslaBOD


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Bonus Episode #5: First Anniversary Special

Hello, kaiju lovers!

Today’s special bonus episode is long, but can you blame us? It’s for MIFV’s first anniversary! Nathan makes a rare OOC (out of character) appearance and is joined by Patron and former guest Danny DiManna, author/creator of the Godzilla Novelization Project, to party like 2020 is finally over. In the first half, they present a “George Lucas extended version” of their Kaiju Con-Line presentation, which was titled “The Original MCU: Connecting Showa Era Continuity.” Essentially, they weave 26 of Toho’s tokusatsu movies (and one TV series) into a Marvel-style shared universe. Then for the second half, they play, read, and discuss feedback from listeners who shared their favorite episodes and moments from the podcast’s first year—including two messages from the other side of the fourth wall! Two words: multiversal madness! This is followed by several big announcements, including the theme for season two of MIFV coming in 2021. You don’t want to miss it!

Here’s a link to comedy of errors that was Nathan and Danny’s Kaiju Con-Line presentation.

Here’s a link to “Meister Titano,” the unofficial future of the Showaverse.

Features the song “10 Minutes of Hypothermia” by Metal Man. Download the album from Overclocked Remix.

Please support the show on Patreon!

Podcast Social Media:

Follow Jimmy on Twitter: @NasaJimmy
Follow the Monster Island Board of Directors on Twitter: @MonsterIslaBOD

#JimmyFromNASALives       #MonsterIslandFilmVault

© 2020 Moonlighting Ninjas Media

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Episode 25: ‘Dogora, the Space Monster’ (feat. Michael ‘The Kaiju Groupie’ Hamilton)

Hello, kaiju lovers!

Making his third trip to Monster Island—but his first appearance on MIFV—is none other than the Kaiju Groupie himself, Michael Hamilton. He paid Nathan and Jimmy a visit to discuss Dogora, the Space Monster, which was one of three kaiju films released in 1964 by Toho. The titular space squid is a nightmare straight out of an H.P. Lovecraft story—minus the sorta lame weakness. (To quote Batman, “Bees. My god.”) Nathan and Michael also discuss Japan’s infamous mafia, the Yakuza, since there are elements of it in this film. Enjoy!

Check out Michael’s titular podcast and social media here.

Episode image created by, well, Michael Hamilton.

Read Jimmy’s Notes on this episode.

We’d like to give a shout-out to our Patreon patrons Travis Alexander and Michael Hamilton (co-hosts of Kaiju Weekly); Danny DiManna (author/creator of the Godzilla Novelization Project); Eli Harris (elizilla13); Chris Cooke (host of One Cross Radio), and Bex from Redeemed Otaku! Thanks for your support!

You, too, can support us on Patreon!

This episode is approved by the Monster Island Board of Directors.

Podcast Social Media:

Follow Jimmy on Twitter: @NasaJimmy
Follow the Monster Island Board of Directors on Twitter: @MonsterIslaBOD

#JimmyFromNASALives       #MonsterIslandFilmVault

© 2020 Moonlighting Ninjas Media

Bibliography/Further Reading:

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Jimmy’s Notes on ‘Episode 24: The Metters vs. Return of Daimajin’

Well, if I was a supervillain, this is the part where I would say,

I learned a valuable lesson during the episode 24 broadcast. Apparently, Dorats aren’t as aggressive as I thought they’d be. And I even fed them some gamma rays before unleashing them on Nathan’s friend Joy Metter. (However, I didn’t feed these little winged gremlins any radiation after midnight because we know how that turns out). Her dogs’ good vibes must’ve calmed them or something.

Perhaps I do need to try something “scarier” next time, as Joy joked, to truly test her mettle since she keeps acting like she’s a master swordsman (“swordswoman”? “swordsperson”? Damn you, political correctness!) Sadly, anything else would probably get me in trouble with the Board for endangering a tourist, but I’ll think of something.

Anyway, let’s get on to my notes from the episode:

  • I will admit, the new Board-mandated uniforms are growing on me. Pink is the new orange.
  • I neglected to include the IMDB scores for the first two Daimajin films in the Entertaining Info Dump. Oops. They’re 6.7 and 6.4, respectively.
  • It’s “Sama-no-suke,” not, “Sama-na-suke.” But hey, none of you grew up in Japan like I did.
  • I’ll give Joy credit for one thing: we can agree that Anakin Skywalker is as charming as a brick in Attack of the Clones.
  • It’s “Dodohei,” not, “Todohei,” Nathan. You think he’s a dog from Kansas?
  • Yes, Joe, Ryuta does have an arm. Two of them, in fact.
  • I can make an argument that Frozen is a kaiju movie: the big snowman. If Half Human counts….
  • Nathan, it’s “Iwamatsu” not “Imatsu.”
  • I’m pretty sure “Heian” is pronounced, “hay-on.” You know, like “Heisei” (“hay-say”).
  • It’s “kami” not “gami,” Joy.
  • Yawns, last I checked, were by definition audible, Joe.
  • I didn’t realize this until now because I liked the Star Wars reference, but the third film is Daimajin Strikes Again not Back. Also, Nathan used the wrong title for the DVD cover he used on the blog post just like ADV did. Oh well.

And now, in fulfillment of my contractual obligations, here’s Nathan’s leftover notes:

The Film

  • Barr says it “explores the clash between tradition and modernity, between peacefulness and warmongering.”
  • The first two films put a premium on the “old ways” of worship. Are we supposed to sympathize with the persecuted nobles, villagers, and Daimajin?
  • Interesting that the characters don’t bow before passing through the torii gate.
  • We get some foreshadowing with Daimajin’s face glowing red. Said to be a sign of misfortune and his anger.
  • In this, the priestess is also the dead lord’s daughter. The characters are combined.
  • Daimajin is fond of mountains. (I would correct him by saying he’s on an island in this one, but it’s at least mountainous. –Jimmy)
  • Ifukube’s music shines in this score.
  • The priestess calls Daimjain “Kamisama.” Is this the Japanese word for the Christian God? (That’s what most westerners think. It makes sense since it would translate as “Lord God” or “lord of the gods.” Or at least “lord of the kami.” –Jimmy)
  • “They have taken our statue but not our soul.” –Sayuri (Probably the best line in the film. –Jimmy)
  • I think Juro would’ve been better off killing Danjo. (Actually, he kept him alive for leverage. –Jimmy)
  • “Juro’s in the well?!” (Call Lassie! Or Teddy Kong! –Jimmy)
  • There is some added suspense thanks to the statue being shattered.
  • Another divine warning with the soldier in a boat stabbed with a rock. This gives a kid the chance to set Katsushige free.
  • Sayuri hanging on the cross and praying—offering her life to Daimajin—echoes the Christ story. Then she cries and her tears awaken him. The wind extinguishes the fire.
  • The statue emerges whole from the water. He appears 61 minutes into the 78-minute movie.
  • This reminds me a bit of the story of Elijah and the prophets of Baal.
  • They try to blow up Daimajin again, and this time it doesn’t work. The shot of him in the smoke is great.
  • His footsteps are ominous.
  • Sayuri’s tears fall from her face to her praying hands to the lake water, and Daimajin dissolves into water.

Toku Topic

  • SHRINES: “The etymology of the early word for shrine, yashiro 社 is thought to have meant a temporary structure (yashiro 屋代) erected for worship, in the same way that nawashiro meant a hut for raising seedlings, and an ajiro meant a spot for drying fishing nets.” Festivals would be held there. “Accordingly, the concept of the sacred also changed from one in which kami were thought to be visiting deities (raihōshin) that descended at set times each year, to one in which the kami resided permanently in the shrine as a tutelary of its parishioners.”
  • SHRINES: “By contrast, another term denoting a shrine, miya 宮, is believed to derive from the honorific expression for a building (miya 御屋). Until the early Heian period, however, few shrines were permitted the status of miya, and of the 2,861 shrines listed in the Engishiki’s “Register of Divinities,” only eleven are included in this category.”
  • SHRINES: “The earliest type of shrine architecture is seen in the shinmeizukuri style of the Shōden (honden) of the Grand Shrines of Ise, and the taishazukuri style of the Izumo Shrine’s honden. The former originates in the style of grain storehouse used to store rice, while the latter is based on the style of ancient dwellings in the Izumo area. Both styles are reflected in ancient palace architecture, and eventually they were used in permanent shrine buildings, becoming the source for more complicated styles….”
  • SHRINES: While governors got more involved with the festivals centered around kami worship in medieval Japan, this system dissolved as warrior families arose, and “ancient imperially granted shrine lands (shinryō) and other lands commended by secular houses were gradually transformed into the system of estates known as shōen. Under this system, powerful shrines tried to ensure their territorial integrity by commending their lands to the imperial house or other power clans who acted as ‘rights holders’ (honjo) for the land. … “At the outset of Hōjō Yasutoki’s Jōei shikimoku (1232) appears an exhortation to keep shrines in good repair and to be diligent in worship, and this became a maxim for future generations. This pattern was also incorporated and continued in the Edo shogunate’s laws regulating shrines and their priests, the Shosha negi kannushi hatto of 1665. On this basis the shoguns and daimyō bestowed “vermilion-seal” or “black-seal” land grants upon important shrines and diligently contributed to the rebuilding or repair of shrine buildings.”
  • SHRINES: 70% of Japanese people visit a shrine at least once a year at New Year. This is called Hatsumōdë.
  • TORII: Most are made of wood and painted red, but a few are black or made of stone. (This was brought up in the episode, but I left it in this blog to explain why they’re red. While torii were once white for sacredness, they are painted red because to the Japanese that is the color of vitality and protection against evil. It had a practical reason, too. Red paint contains mercury, which preserves the gate. –Jimmy)

I’m glad that was easier than in past weeks. Thanks, Nathan!

Next Wednesday, you’ll hear an episode featuring my former online nemesis Michael “The Kaiju Groupie” Hamilton (MIFV Patron and co-host of the Kaiju Weekly podcast, among other things), who discusses Dogora, the Space Monster with Nathan. Then the Metters return to finish the “Daimajin Days” with Daimajin Strikes Again.

Also, this month is our first anniversary (hoo-ah!), so Nathan will be joined by Danny DiManna of the Godzilla Novelization Project for a special bonus episode to celebrate.

Join us!

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Follow the Board on Twitter: @MonsterIslaBOD


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Episode 24: The Metters vs. ‘Return of Daimjain’

Hello, kaiju lovers!

We have many happy (and not-so-happy) returns in this episode. Nathan’s friends Joe and Joy Metter are back to continue the “Daimajin Days” by discussing Return of Daimajin. They also brought their dogs, Teddy Kong and Bitzilla, although they’re a little quieter this time around. Regardless, this is the second of the Daimajin trilogy from 1966, and while it’s mostly a rehash of the first film that doesn’t quite rise to its heights (until maybe the last 10-15 minutes), it does bring a few new things to the table. These include a lake parting that rivals The Ten Commandments, a Daimajin with a less gray morality scale, and villains who believe in the supernatural and tremble.

Unfortunately, MIFV’s intrepid producer, Jimmy From NASA, continues doubt Joy’s swordfighting ability. To test her mettle, he sics certain winged gremlins from the future on her—with surprising results!

All this plus the Toku Topics is Shintoism, Shinto shrines, and torii gates since all those factor into this film.

Episode image created by Michael Hamilton.

We’d like to give a shout-out to our Patreon patrons Travis Alexander and Michael Hamilton (co-hosts of Kaiju Weekly); Danny DiManna (author/creator of the Godzilla Novelization Project); Eli Harris (elizilla13); Chris Cooke (host of One Cross Radio), and Bex from Redeemed Otaku! Thanks for your support!

You, too, can support us on Patreon and get perks like this starting at only $3 a month!

This episode is approved by the Monster Island Board of Directors.

Read Jimmy’s Notes on this episode.

Intro: 0:00-5:34
Entertaining Info Dump: 5:34-11:00
Toku Talk: 11:00-46:05
Advertisement: 46:05-46:57
Toku Topic: 46:57-1:30:48
Outro: 1:30:48-end

Podcast Social Media:

Follow Jimmy on Twitter: @NasaJimmy
Follow the Monster Island Board of Directors on Twitter: @MonsterIslaBOD

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