Nate’s not the only one who’s way behind on his podcast duties. I have metric ton of notes from past episodes—or so it feels. But contractual obligations must be fulfilled! My New Year’s resolution is to get my blogs caught up. To save time, I’ll be sharing the notes I jotted down during the broadcast and including a PDF of Nate’s uncut notes. I won’t be editing out the portions he discussed on each episode; not until I get caught up.
But given that I was in jail for a while, I had nothing better to do than compile these.
So, bear with me, starting with episode 60 (THEM!), which featured by my former flame war nemesis, John LeMay:
- Matango boosters are important, guys—unless you’re Dr. Dourif. That weirdo is an example of immersion therapy gone horribly wrong. I’m amazed he isn’t a supervillain yet.
- It’s “Meganulon” or “Meganuron,” John. But I can understand. It’s the “L” vs. “R” pronunciation confusion with Japanese. But I still expected better from you!
- I hate Matango brain fog! It’s the worst! Trust me, I know. I had to tend to those psychedelic mutants once on Halloween a few years ago. All I got out of it was a vision of Kumi Mizuno…at least, I thought it was her. Or was it a premonition of Kaguya?
- Beast from 20,000 Fathoms and Gorgo did, in fact, have the same director: Eugène Lourié.
- I once had to battle a Kamacuras with an American flamethrower. That was mostly because the Russian flamethrower I was given first didn’t work. And because Monster Island zookeeper, Ricky, didn’t know what he was doing. Who hires these people? He’s gotten better, but I’d rather not wrangle monsters with dangerous equipment.
- “Japanese” not “kaiju,” Nate. Professional radio host there.
- Apparently, ants do go to war. They fight over territory and to defend their queen.
- Nate is Russian spy confirmed. That accent is too good. Have some fun in the sun in a Siberian gulag! Got a Solzhenitsyn book you can read?
- I did some digging, but I didn’t see anything about the ant puppets from THEM! still existing today. I could be wrong, though. We have the real things on the Island, but I’d rather deal with a prop. Speaking of which…
- I killed a giant fire ant once. I don’t want to talk about it.
- Michael does have an explosive temper. If you heard what I recorded of him off the air…more people than Kaiju Kim would cancel him!
- I meant to fact check John’s Trinity nuclear test story involving his grandparents…but I forgot what I was fact-checking, and I don’t have time to re-listen to the episode. Here’s an article on the event: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trinity_(nuclear_test).
- Marchand deprived me of work looking up Beast of Yucca Flats! I don’t get paid enough for this!
Here’s a link to Nate’s uncut notes:
One down, a dozen to go! As I always say, “We shall overcome!”
Social media:
- Follow me on Twitter: @NasaJimmy
- Follow (the now defeated) MIBOD on Twitter: @MonsterIslaBOD
- Follow Raymund Martin (The Monster Island Legal Team) on Twitter: @MIFV_LegalTeam
- Follow Crystal Lady Jessica on Twitter: @CrystalLadyJes1
- Follow Dr. Dourif on Twitter: @DrDorif
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