I can neither confirm nor deny that I spent a sizable portion of my latest paycheck on aloe vera cream after getting burned in episode 45 by Eli Harris. He’s lucky he’s a paying Patron, or I would’ve tongue-lashed him right back. (Nate’s editorial: Whatever helps you sleep at night, Jimmy).
Now for what you actually came here to read: my notes on the episode. In between enduring some zingers, I managed to take a few. They were mostly responses to what Nate and Eli said as opposed to corrections. Kudos there, guys. But you won’t always be able to escape that. So, here’s what I jotted down:
- That’s your best recommendation for a drink, Marchand? These are better: The Happy Moment, the Megalon Bomb, and the Plasma Spark. Although, my personal favorite is the Nick Adams Apple Cider.
- Digimon is clearly superior to Pokémon—yes, because technology. I might even still have one (or three) of those virtual pet toys in my quarters. (Don’t judge me!)
- I want an ejection button and seat for the guests’ chairs. I might even install one in the host chair, Marchand. I know George 3 has suggested I do that. After the episode 45 broadcast, it got more tempting. 😛
- Don’t make me pull that EES lever, Marchand! I’ll shoot you into space myself! 😛
- Or the show inspired the unmade Godzilla (1998) sequel? I’m sure they were in development relatively close together. This video from the Kaiju Masterclass online convention sheds some great light on it. It’s an interview with screenwriter Tab Murphy.
- I could take Monique. Can she claim to have survived the (in)famous War in Space? I don’t think so! Next time I see her at the gym, I’ll challenge her to a sparring match. I’ll let you know how it goes. (Nate’s editorial: Badly).
- I offered to have the H.E.A.T.-Seeker treated for rust, but Tatapoulos won’t do it. He says the boat would lose its charm if it was treated. Maybe this is my inner “car guy” talking here, but I have to disagree. Especially since you don’t want rust weakening your hull when you’re being attacked by a kaiju.
- Randy Hernandez isn’t ready for my quips. You know firsthand, Nate.
- Nate, that was the Titan Truth Podcast logo! How did you miss that?!
As required by my contact, here are Nate’s leftover notes from the episode:
“New Family, Part 1”
- The Twin Towers are in the theme and some establishing shots. Awkward? (No. –Jimmy)
- Pays very close attention continuity despite minor changes. Jamaica being Zilla’s first stop.
- Nick’s attitude shifts even in this episode: from killing Zilla Jr. to studying it. More Toho-esque.
- Zilla Jr. holds Nick like Kong does Anne. Almost eats him. Not because of fish smell? Acts like a dog—scratches door and walks in circle before lying down.
- Animal didn’t know Nick was Audrey’s boyfriend?! (Can you blame him for forgetting? Remember the movie, man! –Jimmy)
“New Family, Part 2”
- There are some scaling issues. Sometimes Zilla Jr. is HUGE. (They went for drama and not realism, obviously. –Jimmy)
- Zilla Jr. throws rocks like Showa Godzilla. He’s also clever and strategic. Thankfully, Zilla Jr. breathes atomic fire and is more durable. Survives landslide.
- Establishes tension between HEAT and military.
- Hugh Trevor. Pisces.
- Funny how Monique yells, “Randy!” and Elsie yells, “Nick!” when they dive in to save them. (Two words: sexual tension. –Jimmy)
Notes on the Series
- Godzilla is animalistic but smart enough to solve problems. He’s loyal to HEAT, but he has his own agency.
- They had access to other Toho monsters outside of the “big three,” but they kept coming up with ideas for cool new monsters, so there was no room for them.
Nate shared all his Loch Ness Monster research. Hot damn!
Sadly, I don’t know if Nate will survive the next episode, even with guest Daniel DiManna in the guest chair. He calls it “the nadir of the Year of Gamera.” That would be Gamera Super Monster. Even with a pseudo-Star Destroyer and hot women in spandex, it’s a hard sell for me. Assuming Nate survives, we get back to Godzilla Redux with 1956’s Godzilla, King of the Monsters!, which will feature “the littlest gatekeeper,” Elijah Thomas of the Kaiju Conversation podcast. That’ll be interesting.
See you next week!
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