This week’s “Jimmy’s Notes” on episode 23 (Atragon) is short and sweet. Good, I say. Jet Jaguar and I have been very busy continuing to rebuild Mechani-Kong in my garage. I ordered mech parts from a Chinese company on eBay, and they arrived a week late. Then the shipment was delayed because the Board of Directors implemented more safety protocols for off-Island shipments. When I heard that I was more forgiving. I don’t think I’ll order from that eBay seller again, though. (Poor Nathan is still waiting for his S.H. FigureArts Ultraman figure to show up from China, though).
Along with that, our continued frustrations with a new condenser microphone in our recent broadcasts with Joe and Joy “How-Did-I-Not-Get-Scared-By-The-Dorats?” Metter has required that I procure a replacement. That’s arriving today, thankfully.
This intro is longer than usual because, to my surprise, I only have a few notes for this episode besides Nathan’s leftovers. Let’s get to them.
- Keep denying the super-special Godzilla vs. Kong premiere will happen in November, Marchand. You’ll feel real lonely that night. Ozaki and the EDF Mutants will be the security detail that night, so don’t even think of sneaking in!
- Nathan said, “expectation,” when he meant, “affection.” Your mouth does go faster than your brain, doesn’t it?
- You called the Gotengo “Atragon” once, which is technically wrong, but it was how it was written in the subtitles. You get a pass this time.
Nathan’s Leftover Notes on the Film:
- Starts “in media res.” Almost feels like a trailer. A little confusing.
- Sekizawa humor. Swimsuit model sneezes because of cold.
- Feels a bit like a Universal monster movie from 1950s, especially with half-melted diver.
- I’d make an Uber joke, but the guy has a cabbie hat.
- Man made out of vapor—wrong movie, dude! (“Human Vapor.” Haha. 😛 –Jimmy)
- Kenji Sahara is almost unrecognizable with the chinstrap beard. (He looks like your brother. 😛 –Jimmy)
- “Action Magazine.” What kind of mag is that? It could be taken a few ways—especially if they want photos of a swimsuit model. (How dirty is that mind of yours, Marchand? –Jimmy)
- (Former Rear Admiral) Kusumi: represents modern Japan that has moved on from war to join world community
- Was silent out of loyalty to Jinguji until situation was dire.
- Doesn’t salute back to soldiers, only nods; evidence of his change?
- Gotengo is derived from real super-subs supposedly developed by Japan in WWII. (Yep. I have several blueprints for those subs. And the Gotengo. –Jimmy)
- Capt. Jinguji: represents old imperial japan and those who didn’t move on.
- “Enslaved” natives of island?
- Was going to be played by Toshiro Mijune. Would’ve been different. (It would’ve made the Island’s chaplain happy. –Jimmy)
- Asks who made Japan renounce war in new constitution, but Kusumi is too shocked to answer. Then conversation moves on. Interesting. US isn’t mentioned directly.
- He seems shaken by his daughter’s words, yet doesn’t chase after her.
- Wears old field uniform during operation against Mu.
- Takes action when Makoto is kidnapped. True change? (As someone who has met the man on two occasions—and survived—I’d say, “Yes.” –Jimmy)
- “I think I was wearing rusty armor. I took it off and feel fine.”
- “We will attack so long as you tell us to surrender! But we’ll listen to peace talks.” Indicates change. Empress refuses like Imperial Japan in WWII.
- The Mu Empire is modeled Imperial Japan.
- Sank 12,000 years ago. Atlantis. Related to Seatopia? 😛 (According to you and Danny DiManna, they are. –Jimmy)
- Has a powerful navy with submarines.
- Seeks to conquer surface because they believe it is rightfully theirs. Like Japan seeking to build pan-Asian empire.
- Calls humans “people of the colonies.” “Return our colonies immediately!” Presumptive. UN building, London Bridge, Arch de Triumph, the Kremlin(?), Manhattan (bridge) shown. Worldwide threat. Says New York and Tokyo are first targets. Appropriate. Alliance between U.S. and Japan.
- The Empress refuses to lower herself to undressing in front of foreigners (and men?) to change into diving suit. Pride that is broken.
- Empress accuses Jinguji of defying them, and he says the Mu defied “us.” “Killing me cannot kill our empire’s heart!” He’s taken aback, as if it sounded like something he believed. (It’s a literal reference to the Mu power source, but it’s also an effective metaphor).
- The Mu city looks, well, like a model. On the other hand, some shots remind me of Metropolis. (Except without the cool robot lady. –Jimmy)
- Manda was added later, but he doesn’t feel shoehorned unlike Magma in Gorath. (Everything is less shoehorned than that walrus! –Jimmy)
- An ultimatum on film: forerunner to Xiliens in Monster Zero. ( J -Jimmy)
- It’s the satellite from The Mysterians! (24:00)
- Red Satan is the name of world’s largest submarine. And it’s an American sub. Oh boy…. Could it be a commentary on nuclear power and not an anti-American sentiment? (I doubt it. –Jimmy)
- H-bomb usage limited by water depth and “moral principles.” Japan’s anti-nuclear principles? (This was several years before those were codified. –Jimmy)
- The UN wants Gotengo to be used. Requests it. International feel.
- One of Jinguji’s men follows Makoto. Gets captured. Only gives ‘reservation number” (8561), a Navy tag to be used for Yasukuni Shrine. Very interesting. Only time I can think of that this was mentioned in a Honda film. Amano snaps to attention when he learns who Kusumi is.
- True Stories magazine. Sounds more legit.
- Mu leader called Hierarch. Interesting. Subservient to Empress.
- “Transfer our hardships to the slaves on earth!”
- 35:00: Lots of extras. Another sign Honda wanted to direct a musical. (I’d watch a musical of this film! But I’m strange. –Jimmy)
- Protagonists are met by soldiers wearing well-maintained WWII Japanese military uniforms.
- Has WWII-era “rising sun” flag. Not used now because of war connections.
- The Gotengo is a crazy-cool vehicle. Flying sub with drill on front and freeze laser. Not unlike Nautilus in 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea. Film spends several minutes showing it off. (Just like Robert Wise would do 16 years later in the first Star Trek film. –Jimmy)
- 47:45: Thunderbirds are go!
- Unusual for a Sekizawa script because of how political it is; but it wouldn’t have been appropriate for Kimura because he was too cynical. This is a story of moving on, redemption. It reflects his attitude. Kimura wouldn’t have been right for this story.
- The second dance number makes me think of The Ten Commandments for some reason. The set and costumes, maybe?
- Is Manda their god or the messenger? He’s called both.
- Manda appears 63 minutes in.
- Mt. Mihara. I associate that with G84/vs. Biollante.
- The sinkhole scene is spectacular. Incredible effects. Horrifying.
- The Mu ships with the dragon figureheads look great. I love how lasers fire from the mouths.
- Now Jinguji has his white uniform?!
- The Empress packed her clothes?
- Manda looks like a Chinese dragon. Is that saying something? (Not everything is a hidden message, Nathan. Cool your English major jets. –Jimmy)
- Manda is dispatched pretty quickly. Sign of being added last minute during short production.
That’s a wrap for this week!
Our next episode will be part two of the “Daimajin Days” with Return of Daimjain and the return of Joe and Joy “I-Don’t-Look-Like-a-Swordfighter” Metter. Then my former nemesis Michael “The Kaiju Groupie” Hamilton makes his first appearance on the show (remarkably) for a Board-approved extended mini-sode on Dogora, the Space Monster. I’ll be nice to him since he’s a Patron. He helps to keep the emergency evacuation system (EES) working properly in the radio studio.
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