With the premiere of The Monster Island Film Vault just a few weeks away, I thought I’d give you a preview of the upcoming (extended) first season. Since I’m starting in September 2019, this season will go until December 2020. Future seasons will start in January and run through the entire year.
The theme for this season is twofold: 1) Cover the other big names in the kaiju genre who aren’t Godzilla, and 2) pick up where I left off on Kaijuvision Radio. To that end, the primary episodes will focus on the likes of King Kong and Mothra, among others, and the minisodes will cover the films discussed in season two of KVR (I’d already the research before I left, so I figure I may as well use it).
September 2019
Welcome…to Monster Island! (minisode)
October 2019
Kong (1933)
The Godzilla Anime Trilogy (mini-analysis)
November 2019
of Kong
John LeMay Presents King Kong vs. Frankenstein and Continuation: King Kong vs. Godzilla (minisode)
December 2019
Kong Escapes
Half-Human (mini-analysis)
January 2020
Kong (1976)
King Kong Lives
February 2020
Kong (2005)
Kong: Skull Island
March 2020
King of the Monsters (2019)
Godzilla vs. Kong
April 2020
The Mysterians (mini-analysis)
Varan the Unbelievable (mini-analysis)
May 2020
3 Treasures (mini-analysis)
Battle in Outer Space (mini-analysis)
June 2020
Beast from 20,000 Fathoms
The Last War (mini-analysis)
July 2020
of Mothra
Gorath (mini-analysis)
August 2020
of Mothra II
Matango (mini-analysis)
September 2020
of Mothra III
Atragon (mini-analysis)
October 2020
Dogora, the Space Monster (mini-analysis)
November 2020
of Daimajin
Frankenstein Conquers the World (mini-analysis)
December 2020
Strikes Back
War of the Gargantuas (mini-analysis)
You may have noticed that I’m skipping 1962’s King Kong vs. Godzilla. That’s because I covered it on KVR. My opinions on it are unchanged, and the Toku Topic I would’ve discussed would be the same. I recommend listening to it now or in conjunction with the new show (KVR, Episode 8: King Kong vs. Godzilla (1962) (The Japanese Economic Miracle [The Golden 60s]). In place of that, I’ll have kaiju author John LeMay on to talk about two lost Kong films associated with King Kong vs. Godzilla that he wrote about in his new book, Kong Unmade.
As I said, this is tentative. I’ve already had to change it once to accommodate the new release date of Godzilla vs. Kong (hence why there are several months in a row with full-length episodes followed by several with minisodes). While I intend to keep the main episode schedule set, the minisodes will change depending on how much listener feedback I receive (they’ll be answered on the air) and any interviews/content I get at conventions like G-Fest.
If all goes well, I have a second season planned. What will it be about? Stay tuned!